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Topic subjectThe "real fucking thing" would be pushing for/passing a voting rights bill.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=211837&mesg_id=212393
212393, The "real fucking thing" would be pushing for/passing a voting rights bill.
Posted by Brew, Fri Jan-07-22 12:23 PM
Even without the performative bullshit that was the Hamilton performance, tell me exactly what the speech accomplished/would have accomplished beyond sparking a bunch of "thank you, Brandon !" tweets from sycophants on twitter (and you on OKP, apparently) ?

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that a year later, Biden was finally willing to call orangeman out by name and speak clearly about the ongoing threat that we face. But without tangible action in response to the active threat to democracy, what the fuck good does it do ?

>Love how the last thing that happens overshadows the real fucking thing.