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Topic subjectfor sure but that's my point
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=211837&mesg_id=212223
212223, for sure but that's my point
Posted by Stadiq, Fri Jan-08-21 03:00 PM
I thought the idea of Nazis coming to hang *you* but having to settle for defecating in your office might spark action...

If they won't stand up for themselves even? shiiit.

Think about it though-

relative to the consequences they may face, who worries more about the optics of upsetting Trump voters...Dems or Mitt?

I'd argue Mitt fucking Romney, relative to the consequences he will face, worries about it less.

Not sure if he plans to run again, but my guess is his ass gets primaried if he does.

Dems control all 3 and are worried about how it will look if they go after a president who just attempted to overthrow the gov.

Think about it.