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Topic subjectIf a woman isn't introduced to me or doesn't initiate convo I ignore 'em.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=202186&mesg_id=202433
202433, If a woman isn't introduced to me or doesn't initiate convo I ignore 'em.
Posted by MiQL, Wed Mar-13-13 12:40 AM
It's been my MO for years.
Don't even want the mere thought of being perceived as 'creepy', 'rapey,' or harassing.
Do I know how to be polite? Of course.
But it doesn't mean that strange women won't mentally prepare to put in the mental and emotional labor as a defense mechanism whenever they see me on the street or elsewhere.

As I've said in past posts, women want to be left alone.
So I leave them the hell alone as other dudes should.
Don't talk to 'em.

>leave chicks walking down the street alone. the shit aint
>hard. nobody is saying dont look (sorry ladies, we gonna look)
>but impeding their progress or forcing them to acknowledge
>your weak ass presence just to feel that ego massage...shits