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Topic subjectno its not about them getting harassed--
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=202186&mesg_id=202423
202423, no its not about them getting harassed--
Posted by bloocollar, Sun Mar-03-13 03:40 PM
they conflated the argument (like they normally do)

no one should be verbally abused, called out their name in a bad way (bitch != baby), or generally harassed when a greeting isnt reciprocated

but these chicks are saying "when im not feeling fun and flirty dont talk to me"

asking a chick who's frowning why they're not smiling is an opening for conversation, its not harrasment

its lame sure, but we approach or we get no women. end of story.

confidence and assertiveness are qualities that women say they find attractive in a man

as usual they want what they want, and reality has to bend to what they want

and then when they get it they wont want it anymore