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Topic subjectYO! time the fuck out! - senor love daddy from do the right thing
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=202186&mesg_id=202405
202405, YO! time the fuck out! - senor love daddy from do the right thing
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Mar-03-13 03:24 PM
MEN! the women are in here telling yall

1. THIS SHIT IS REAL! we deal with it! all the time! it is hyper annoying
2. If you do it...stop!
3. Why should we have to watch what we say, do, act etc why cant YALL just fucking leave us alone?

to which yall are saying
1. Some of yall like it!
2. fuck that imma do it regardless
3. where/how else am i supposed to holla?!

is this the level of discourse we got between supposedly adult men and women today?

leave chicks walking down the street alone. the shit aint hard. nobody is saying dont look (sorry ladies, we gonna look) but impeding their progress or forcing them to acknowledge your weak ass presence just to feel that ego massage...shits weak

if you wanna holla @ a broad...thats a separate post. this is abt chicks getting harassed on the street. stop doing the shit.

we're all doomed.

do or die