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Topic subjectI never claimed that moral authority puts food on the table
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=202186&mesg_id=202358
202358, I never claimed that moral authority puts food on the table
Posted by Teknontheou, Sun Mar-03-13 03:52 PM
or money in the bank.

But around a bunch of hyper-educated lioberals of any race? It's gold.

This type of conversation wouldn't even get off the ground or your points be seriously entertained at the Hood barbershop. There wouldn't even be a back and forth so much a FOH type of dismissal. Same if you tried to have it among a bunch of white Tea Party types.

But on OKP, most of us exist in liberal, educated urban-ish enclaves, where at the very least there will be a debate. Within that world, that moral authority is largely, at least grudgingly, if not always enthusiastically, respected.