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Topic subjectdon't is generally true, can't is speculative
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=202186&mesg_id=202354
202354, don't is generally true, can't is speculative
Posted by thrill, Sun Mar-03-13 03:04 PM

>Anyway, yes, I stand by my comment that there does seem to be
>a huge amount of moral authority that comes with being a woman
>of color (in the West, I'd add.)

lol if this huge moral authority existed, there would be expressions of empathy rather than the giggling stupidty that is all over this thread.

huge moral authority must be why black single mothers have been demonized for the last forty years and why any rape survivor gets defamed. this huge moral authority, is it good for a discount on max delivery?