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Topic subjectthis is about the way men are speaking to women...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=202186&mesg_id=202325
202325, this is about the way men are speaking to women...
Posted by morpheme, Sun Mar-03-13 01:54 PM
not that women are not to be spoken to.

i frankly am not of the ilk that i cannot be spoken to on the street. don't call me out my name. don't say anything sexually suggestive to me. don't reach out to tug any article of my clothing. and in my personal case, don't address my son. don't invade my personal space while you're speaking. if i speak and KIM -do not follow me. do not call slurs to my back. let me go.