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Topic subjectRE: i remember us girls initiating those types of games growing
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=202186&mesg_id=202314
202314, RE: i remember us girls initiating those types of games growing
Posted by Novembersgift, Sun Mar-03-13 01:03 PM
>up as well. i don't know i hate to villainize boys because
>they might be lil horny grabbers/touchers/feelers as kids
>but a lot a lil girls are as well.
>at least looking back on my childhood that's how it was
>i don't remember it being like boys always attacking girls
>it was mostly mutual (and when it wasn't it was on both
>that's just my experience though
>i just hate that this can't be something that is addressed
>without it being that
>men are just inherently whack and we have to protect women
>from them.

I know that's not where I come from with this argument. Both boys and girls are subject to the sociocultural lessons and cues that we provide them from their earliest days. Honestly, if you did nothing, exercised little to no critical thought at all, and just grew up in society absorbing all of the messages and lessons, then it's no surprise boys AND girls exhibit behavior and thinking that's problematic. Because our institutions are racist, sexist, and classist. But that doesn't mean people who do think about these things, particularly in an integrated way (bc they're often related), couldn't and shouldn't actively work to dismantle the structures and institutions that make people feel less than... that disenfranchise them... that subject them to harm, discrimination, etc. So yes, there are women who are perpetrators of sexism just like there are black people who perpetuate racist thinking. Yall know... the conditioning has been conditioned.