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Topic subjectpaste them up around the grade schools.
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202312, paste them up around the grade schools.
Posted by morpheme, Sun Mar-03-13 12:45 PM
^^^that's my opine.^^^

this shit starts EARLY.
i remember being in elementary school
and there being "freaky friday"
and this was the day that when you were on the playground {perhaps in a class line en route to different classroom} boys would brazenly come and grab or "smoosh" your booty. i'm talking like 3rd or 4th grade.
that's 8-9 years old.

that's telling me in 2 years my son will be at the behest of images {and these are mostly social} that will inform him to assault chicks. to grab girls' behinds and in some cases their breasts. I WILL NOT ACCEPT THAT SHIT!!! do you know how many times i've had a boy in ELEMENTARY school grab my breasts? as i got older {middle school, high school} the approaches were different. it became sinewy, more verbal.

this is really leading me to believe little boys are being affected on a serious level where they will enact such violations so aggressively pre-adolescence. and something echoes in my heart that this can be combatted. men don't say those types of things to me as they once did when i was a teen. i get stop attempts, i get hollas, the faces, the gestures. but is this behaviour something men grow into and then grow out of or "cultivate"? is it foisted upon them and then there is a paradigm shift and it becomes more righteous, somehow?
are they receiving cues from us that backs them away from that behaviour, yet in turn focuses them on the younger of us who haven't had that self-worthy fully actualized. they are not mature.

i don't even know if this is about sex. or mating. or even one's attractiveness. but it has permeated US. women are not feeling safe around the men, the men feel as tho they cannot assert themselves to the women in any way positively. we NEED to be able to be interactive with one another. and it's going to take a nation, of my brothers to combat this.
i just don't know that at it's genesis it's solely upon the men THEN. children have 2 parents in charge of their physiologies. and even if it's just one, father or mother, the responsibility and responsiveness is upon you.