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Topic subjectlotta dudes minds will change re street harrassment
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=202186&mesg_id=202290
202290, lotta dudes minds will change re street harrassment
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Mar-03-13 11:39 AM
when they have daughters

im not into reactive shit. its out there, it happens...now how can we equip our daughters, wives, sisters, etc to combat it?

saying 'hey dudes! police yourselves!' aint gonna cut it

the guys here aint the ones catcalling & demanding chicks smile & shit.

nor are we/they gonna be the ones to approach dudes on the street & start lecturing OTHER men on the desultory effects of THEM catcalling

yes we need to raise the respect level from men to women. established.

but until that pie in the sky perfect fantasy land world actually materializes...what do we do NOW to keep our girls from growing up in a world where they literally feel unsafe walking home?

must everyone walk in packs? gotta carry mace? all of em learn judo or MMA? what?

my lil girl is 5 almost 6, she'll be a very pretty young lady & is already very cognizant of "fitting in"; "being liked" etc...to the point where she'll allow other kids (boys & girls) to bite or hit her or whatever w/o repercussions other then "i told the teacher"

sorry to say...uh, that telling the teacher shit aint cutting it.

you sock that bastard kid in their gatdamn mouth.

NOBODY! gets to touch you or hit or kick or even really say shit to you, w/o repercussions. fuck that.

thats my strategy. i wanna hear someone elses.

do or die