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Topic subjectRight. And you played so you know first hand.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=200922&mesg_id=201062
201062, Right. And you played so you know first hand.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jul-21-14 06:09 PM
A whole team might revolt if Sam enters the lockerroom. They might walk out like the Clippers almost did.

What should Sam do instead? Gardening? Bc like all faggots he doesn't belong in football and he should just accept that as a cocksucker he has limits. He has to remain in his lane. He has to know his place. He can't be out there upsetting the good breeder folks by doing whatever he wants. Sports belong to breeders and those queers like Sam who wanna play have got to respect that.

How much longer until all this gay shit goes away, man? Bc it can't last. It's just a fad.