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Topic subjectAs I said, maybe it won't but the comparisons to Incognito is off
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=200922&mesg_id=201043
201043, As I said, maybe it won't but the comparisons to Incognito is off
Posted by vee-lover, Mon Jul-21-14 05:57 PM

Yeah, some players did speak out against what was done and said in the Dolphins locker room but many, dare I say most, had no issue w/him because that behavior was more commonplace in locker rooms than the NFL cared to let on...but having the *1st* openly gay player in the locker room is a whole nother issue.

>I think all of that varies wildly across teams. I say that
>after what I learned from players in the wake of the Dolphins
>controversy last yr. several players on more than one team
>said the kind of talk and shenanigans that we heard about in
>Miami wouldn't be tolerated in their lockerroom. Which says to
>me they're not all the same. It seems leadership sets the tone
>- players, coaches and execs. Sam was probably drafted by a
>team that will welcome him. Some of his opponents will try him
>and I expect his team will have his back.