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Topic subjectNo shit - this is why having these sensitive type of conversations on the
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=197309&mesg_id=197452
197452, No shit - this is why having these sensitive type of conversations on the
Posted by vee-lover, Sun Sep-14-14 09:14 AM
Internet is treading on dangerous ground because ppl immediately jump to the most logical extreme

I wasn't getting ass whippins every other day because dad came home pissed off from the rigors of being a blk man in a world that's hostile to him - my ass whippins were rare and after I got to a certain age, the whippings stopped and he began treating/punishing me like a young man...

Ya'll act like ppl who are saying they condone spankings are delusional and that they're under the "battered woman syndrome." Trust me, I know the difference of being loved and being abused...

>i am not trying to say you are abused, because i don't know.
>and i certainly won't argue your parents didn't love you.
>but it is very possible for somebody to love a person,
>AND abuse them.
>the two things ain't really related,
>and the fact that so many ppl think they are
>can make ppl hesitant to leave abusive relationships.
>>have to prove to an idiot over the internet
>>Don't project your fucked up upbringing onto me
>>>You're too stupid and in denial to reconcile the fact that
>>>even though your parents loved you, they fucked up and
>>Yeah that's what it is...glad you help me see clearly
>>>It's sad, really. You sound like a battered wife. That's
>>>literally exactly what women in abusive relationships say
>>>about why they stay.
>>First of all, you imbecile, I rarely got ass whippins anyway
>>but when I did, I knew exactly what it was for...and by a
>>certain age, my dad and mom STOPPED whipping me and opting
>>>Your entire mentality is that of a beaten dog who still has
>>>undying love and devotion to his master.
>>Yeah because my parents beat me ALL the time just because
>>felt like it...and I didn't realize it. I was like "Penny"
>>from Good Times...
>>>So, no, you didn't turn out just fine. You turned out to be
>>>guy who rationalizes abuse for himself and future children
>>>because, hey, your parents beat you and YOU turned out OK
>>>didn't, but whatever helps you sleep at night, champ.).
>>>about a sickness.
>>No, I have sense enough to know that whipping your child
>>doesn't you a bad parent nor does it determine that a child
>>going to be maladjusted as a result of
>>spankings/whippings...but I realize that you lack the
>>to reason, which is why 90% of your online interactions on
>>this board result in arguments...
>>>Since you're too beat down like a whipped animal to think
>>>clearly, I have no interest in conversing with you any
>>>on this subject. Come back when you've had enough to
>>>to allow you to come to terms with the abuse your parents
>>>of their generation propagated. We'll discuss this again
>>>after you've accepted that just being "old school" isn't
>>>enough to justify abuse.
>>I have no issues w/my childhood whatsoever...can you say the
>>same? But as I said, it's really a waste of time to reply to
>>you because you're not a smart and readonable person, you
>>like to type a whole bunch of words to try and sound *smart*