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Topic subjectThe Sawlsbury Steak
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=19441&mesg_id=19538
19538, The Sawlsbury Steak
Posted by Mash_Comp, Tue Dec-09-03 07:45 PM
It's when you have one of those very moist shits were the turds coil like a ready-to-strike King Cobra in your porcelain chamber. It usually has the stronger odors in the category of "Wet Shits", often causing one to hastily wipe in order to avoid one's own noxious fumes. The wiping technique is one that requires care -- you may have to part your brown (or white, brown, yeller) sea to get to the muddy waters, so to speak.

We're talking a Scotts tissue double roll double fister wipe. Don't get any on your knuckles either, chief.