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Topic subjectRE: optics are important, but not nearly as important as substance.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=190666&mesg_id=190727
190727, RE: optics are important, but not nearly as important as substance.
Posted by murph71, Sat Jul-25-15 12:27 PM

I'm going to side with the folks that rarely get their voice heard....While Republicans have basically said fuck u niggas, the Dems have been getting pretty complacent when it comes to listening to our needs and actually saying something beyond the usual bullshit soundbite....So the the BlackLivesMovement folks are finally getting a response from the politicians...They are FINALLY making them tap dance....

So Bernie had his chance to say SOMETHING that day....And within that moment he laid an egg and the optics looks terrible....Fair or Unfair....

Bernie has time to clean it up...In fact he's starting to do so....But sending your assistant to speak to the very same people u just pissed off??? That ain't gonna work....