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Topic subjectoptics are important, but not nearly as important as substance.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=190666&mesg_id=190726
190726, optics are important, but not nearly as important as substance.
Posted by Vex_id, Sat Jul-25-15 12:17 PM
And if a faction is allowing optics and perception to usurp actual substance, then it becomes an issue.

But yes - I concede that Sanders has to do more to immerse himself into the modern social media and street movements surrounding #BlackLivesMatter -- but my point is, he rocks with the movement, he just doesn't communicate it in the most effective way - and part of that is because he's in his 70's and isn't paraded around w/ handlers for weeks before making a carefully crafted public statement like Hillary. Hillary would never be caught up in a situation where she was interacting w/ protestors who weren't supposed to be at a particular event - so let's just put things in perspective.
