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Topic subjectWhy is it that people think he only did work in the 60's & 70's?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=190666&mesg_id=190724
190724, Why is it that people think he only did work in the 60's & 70's?
Posted by Vex_id, Sat Jul-25-15 12:02 PM

>Bernie can point to marching for civil rights in the
>'60s....He can point to speaking on police brutality in the
>'70s....I mean, the man has credentials...

..and in the 80's, 90's, 2000's, up to present day. His work never stopped. It's reckless to tarnish his record by implying that he's some "what have you done for me lately" candidate - that's just not true.

>But you know what's more powerful than credentials?
>And what black folk saw ON TV (fair or unfair) was Bernie
>coming off as an above it all white, old, out of touch liberal
>who seemed more perturbed that he was questioned about his
>BLACK CARD than the issue at hand....

I already agreed that he didn't handle the moment as well as he should have - but if that's the only time people had seen Bernie on TV or paid attention, then that's on them. Still, Bernie has to make a better effort to immerse himself in modern black issues - but he does more on that front than all of the other candidates combined. He makes Obama seem a moderate when it comes to structural racism and police brutality.

>Again, this may be unfair....But H. Clinton saw an opening and
>capitalized on Bernie's GET OFF MY LAWN moment.....It is what
>it is....

Sure. But that doesn't mean people can claim the logical high-ground on some "YOU HAVE TO TAKE HILLARY'S COMMENT IN CONTEXT" yet fail to take Bernie's entire career spanning 50 years in context. Hillary is winning the black vote, but inexplicably so.

>But one thing is for sure....We will not be winning the White
>House with Bernie as the nominee....God bless him though....

I don't concede that. Bernie can beat Hillary, and he can certainly beat Walker/Bush/Rubio/Trump.
