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Topic subjectmany in here are screaming for "Context!" - yet not applying it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=190666&mesg_id=190705
190705, many in here are screaming for "Context!" - yet not applying it.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Jul-24-15 09:05 PM
At least not where it really matters. Not just here, but in many news/social media circles, it's been commonplace to see scathing attacks on Sanders when it comes to race - yet tepid criticisms of Hillary for her more significant mis-steps and failures.

Fact: In most of the reputable polls presently being conducted, Hillary Clinton is crushing Bernie Sanders when it comes to the black vote.

However, her record pales in comparison to Bernie's when it comes to challenging status-quo policies that acquiesce to the continued enablement of institutionalized white supremacy. She has never been as potent (whether you're assessing records or rhetoric) as Bernie at challenging structural racism.

The entire week I've heard that "Bernie thinks that just b/c cause he marched in the civil rights that he's somehow down. pshhh!" - but Bernie's been marching, voting, and influencing a higher dignity of human, civil, political and economic rights for 40/50 years while actively challenging structural racism - and he's still doing it. He never stopped doing it.

And yes - the fact that Bernie marched with the civil rights coalition, was arrested for protesting segregation in public schools, and was vocal against police brutality (particularly as it related to blacks) in 1961 matters. Particularly when Hillary was campaigning for a segregationist (Barry Goldwater) while Bernie was a champion of the civil rights movement.

But people act brand new and wholly neglect what Bernie has done since then.

While President Bill Clinton and most Democrats in Congress supported so-called welfare reform politics, Sanders not only voted against this policy change, but lambasted Clinton for his "assault on the poor, women and children, minorities, and immigrants is the grand slam of scapegoating legislation, and appeals to the frustrations and ignorance of the American people along a wide spectrum of prejudices.”

Bernie - ever since 1991 - has been vocal and active against the death penalty and the corruption of our criminal justice system, calling for our government to "not keep putting more people into jail and disproportionately punishing blacks.”

He constantly boasts the highest marks amongst the ACLU and NAACP.

After Ferguson he talked about the absurdity of police brutality in black communities, the travesty in arming corrupt police forces with military-grade weapons, and the sad state of affairs where "we have a nation where it's not safe for black men and women to walk the streets simply because they are black."

Hillary didn't do any of that.

He's been talking about structural racism since the 60's - and *still* talks about it - all the time. Hillary has/does not - and her voting record isn't in the same universe as Bernie's on the major issues.

That is the context people fail to synthesize when they slam Bernie yet play Press Secretary for Hillary when it comes to their respective ability to win the black vote.

So if people want to write him off (and vote for Hillary) because he got in a shouting match with a protester at Netroots over how to engage in a debate (not the debate itself, mind you) - then I would suggest they look into what he's said (and more importantly - done) to combat structural racism.
