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Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=190411&mesg_id=190605
190605, ugh
Posted by denny, Wed Jul-15-15 05:11 AM
That shit is disgusting.

The first comment in the link says it all:

You seem to really understand women. You're familiar with their propensity to throw themselves at men, and spread lies & gossip. You definitely have a very good grasp of the stereotypes applied to the women who marry prominent men. It must have been really difficult for you to field all those questions about allegations against your idol. I can’t imagine what trauma you went through during that time, discovering he may have been a rapist. And it was certainly kind of you to assume the role of truth detector for your sobbing friend, finding it in your heart to grant her validation based on your understanding of what happened as a non-involved party. You were able to see past her “ditzy” nature and remain open to the possibility she may have been assaulted. Finally, I commend you for standing up for Cosby’s legacy, holding on to what’s true and comforting to you, and not allowing his reputation to be sullied by the pain and trauma reported by his rape victims, women who suffered in silence for years fearing their accusations would go nowhere. Your harsh command that Cosby go live out a quiet country life is commendable considering what you’ve been through. In the end, it is preserving your enchantment of a lifelong role model that is most precious. I think any rape victim would be silly to think her need for justice, accountability and validation is anywhere near as important.