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Topic subjectRE: LOL
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=190411&mesg_id=190534
190534, RE: LOL
Posted by ILLwiLL132, Fri Jul-10-15 12:38 PM
>so as long as he's innocent he doesn't have to say anything.
>but we can't know if he's guilty because he hasn't said

>the problem is us.
>not that Bill cosby is a serial rapist based on the
>and an overall shitty human being in general, based entirely
>on his own verified statements and actions.

Where did he ever say that he was in fact a serial rapist or did anything of that nature show me then I will most likely change my mind. Until then FOH. I ain't defending him I'd be saying this for any man in this situation but the way this shit is going it's like any female that a man has sex with can come back 10-20 years later saying that you raped her and people will believe it. You don't have to have evidence or anything just women saying that it happened and that she was drugged and the man just needs to say that he used to get drugs for the women he intended to have sex with. Then everyone in the world believes it. TF?

>even if he said he was a rapist, you would find a way to be

Why would I be unconvinced when someone actually admits to raping someone? You sound stupid as fuck and you don't strike me to a dumb dumb. If he's innocent you're still going to say he did it. To me this shit is just like the O.J. Simpson case he even went to trial and was declared not guilty but yet there's plenty of white people especially who believe that he was guilty of murdering his ex wife. How does that type of thinking help our society?

>he is a serial rapist because he's by 40 women of drugging and
>raping them.
>say that when you're denying the charges on his behalf because
>he won't speak up for himself, say exactly what it is that you
>don't believe.

I aint denying any charges bro idgaf if he did it or not truthfully. Where are the charges tho lol. You're looking too deep into this but at the end of the day everyone in this country is innocent of any crime until proven guilty. If he was never even tried for a particular crime how can you believe it ever occured? Let me say this if these events did occur then I feel bad for the women that may have dealt with this I have 2 daughters and was raised by women and its unfortunate for any woman to be raped. But on the other hand which we all should take into consideration that he may indeed be innocent and in that event then what? After all the crap about him.... if he's innocent then what? Call it what you want but I'm sticking to what I believe and that is due diligence under the law. Our Judicial system may be flawed but i still respect it.

>www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at