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Topic subjectRE: So you'd stay silent for ten years after the allegations came out?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=190411&mesg_id=190532
190532, RE: So you'd stay silent for ten years after the allegations came out?
Posted by ILLwiLL132, Fri Jul-10-15 01:43 AM
>sorry, after ten years of you not saying shit and trying to
>shut up anyone who does -- we're gonna fill in the blanks

I hear you and I think that if anyone of his stature has committed a crime of this nature should address the public about it absolutely. But I also don't think anyone should have to address something that isn't true about them regarding anything criminal or anything really if it is not true. I'm not saying that he is innocent I'm just saying that we don't know if he is guilty or not. From the reports I've heard or read from some of the women have seemed like crap to me but that's just my opinion. It's just hard for me to believe that someone I've grown up looking at as a positive black male role model was a serial rapist at some point without having any real evidence or him ever being convicted of such. I just feel like I at least should give him the benefit of doubt i mean shit he's a black entertainer and considering that some black entertainers may have been lied on in regards to rape and sentenced to prison and this man wasn't ever even tried in court I can't go for the okie doke.

>Also, thanks for telling me that you only believe things as
>decided by court cases. Apparently you approve of george
>Zimmerman's story about trayvon, and all of the cops who
>weren't convicted. if it's not in a court of law, it's not
>true. got it.

Nah not even but at the same time you're just believing allegations about someone and running with them because there's all these people making them now. If that man was to make a statement about that now or even 10 years ago and said he didn't do it. Would you believe him? No. I'm sure you wouldn't and in that case that means he has no defense for himself so why even make a statement when critics like yourself are gonna say he's guilty anyway? It's like he can't say "Well just check the DNA..." or however the fuck they figure if somebody raped someone cause it can't be done now. He's defenseless and it's sad to see black people especially just like yep he's admitted to it now he gave drugs to em he must be a rapist.

>www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at