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Topic subjectam i the only one giving the timing of this whole thing the side-eye
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=190411&mesg_id=190467
190467, am i the only one giving the timing of this whole thing the side-eye
Posted by MrThomas43423, Tue Jul-07-15 12:15 PM
he admitted this 10 years ago. this isn't new information. he said he, "got them drugs." which wouldn't stand up on a tennis court, let alone a court of law. nothing has changed from thins "groundbreaking" admission.

and with race relations where they are in the country right now, i'm so surprised everyone jumped and took the bait on this. its like as soon as we get close to unifying and making progress, we get distracted. and yes...i think Cosby deserves to go to jail. but to chomp like sharks, at this seaweed bait deserved for minnows, troubles me.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.