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Topic subjectmy flickr...
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188273, my flickr...
Posted by tynie626, Tue Dec-30-14 02:23 PM
https://www.flickr.com/photos/tyniepixels/ . haven't updated it in a while, but mostly i've been shooting for this site -- http://www.pancakesandwhiskey.com

my focus is concert photography and i'm starting to get into artist portraits a lot more.

for gear i'm currently shooting with a canon 7D, but looking to upgrade to the new 7D Mark II mostly for the amazing focusing system and better iso performance. i don't really mind having a crop sensor.. i often find myself further away from the stage than i'd like to be so having that crop factor really helps.

lenses - tamron 70-200mm 2.8, tamron 28-75mm 2.8, tokina 11-17mm 2.8, canon 50mm 1.8, canon 40mm 2.8. i literally bought the 40mm because it was metal compared to the cheap, plasticky 50mm. that 40mm remains one of my sharpest lenses, i love it!

without a doubt my workhorse is the tamron 28-75, but really looking to replace it with a canon 24-70mm II 2.8.

as far as books, i don't spend much time reading those, i mostly focus on blogs, random posts that catch my eye. this guy had a great post about dealing with red light post processing in lightroom that was a godsend -- http://www.woutervellekoop.nl/red-light-a-concert-photographers-nightmare/

for my question -- i know a lot of people debate about gear vs. capturing the moment. like i see a ton of photos that get a ton of recognition that are usually underexposed and often times a bit blurry. i think perhaps a bit of better kit would have helped in those instances... (of course not implying that the camera/gear makes the shooter). what are your thoughts on this? i mostly love collecting gear, and trying out the newest things because i'm a tech fiend and i get bored easily,lol.