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Topic subjectRecent/Current: Ricoh GR1
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188198, Recent/Current: Ricoh GR1
Posted by odot27, Mon Jun-02-14 08:53 AM
I don't know how I went so long without knowing the pleasure of a simple film point and shoot. It's liberating. It's light, versatile, and still gets you the quality of images that I would expect from a bigger/faster Nikon or Canon or whatever.

Also, heading to Italy in a few days armed with Ricoh GR1, and a Voigtlander R3A with a Jupiter-8 lens, and loads of film.

Read: Susan Sontag's "On Photography" for a mind-numbing sensation. It won't help you get better, per se, but it's interesting to think about photography in a philosophical way, and make relationships between it and culture, and art, and society, and representation.

Read: Photo books. Less words, more images is best. You can only really be inspired by pictures, not words. I suggest the Magnum Contact Sheet catalog (http://www.amazon.com/Magnum-Contact-Sheets-Center-Photography/dp/0500543992)

My work: http://cargocollective.com/omography (which is a work in progress)