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Topic subject*uses this post to stunt on my Indy 500 access*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=188104&mesg_id=188112
188112, *uses this post to stunt on my Indy 500 access*
Posted by KosherSam, Thu May-29-14 04:40 PM
went to the race for work.

had a hookup who got me a photographer's vest and credential.

went out to the inside of turn 3 for the last 75 or so laps.

at most, I was 75 feet from the track, with no real fence for protection.

Shot with a 5D Mark III and a 70-300 lens


Waited for the car to come by and photobomb my selfie. Here's the actual race pics
