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Topic subjectwhy couldn't they have just waited for him to go down the road?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=168829&mesg_id=169403
169403, why couldn't they have just waited for him to go down the road?
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Oct-03-13 11:59 AM
he was already on the road...

in a mall riot...it's mulitple exits and im on foot and can find my way through without causing myself or anyone harm...im not about to just chill if things around me can put me in danger or if they make me feel like i could be in danger...ima do what i gotta do to get me and mine outta there period

but these are vehicles and there's typically only one way out (or few....based on the video one)...and that's forward...we're acting is if just pulling over is really THAT FUCKING SAFE...he not only had the right to the road...but pulling over would have been equally as risky...why assume thrill seeking lawbreakers are going to just let you pull over without serious/dangerous consequences?

u are giving them the benefit of the doubt and putting the burden of him being on that road on him rather than the bikers...they could have let him go...blocked traffic like they were doing at other places...and continued their fun...but no...they forced him into an accident and then got violent...

he literally did NOTHING wrong...pulling over seems safer in hindsight...but i wouldn't wanna be stuck in that shit bc

A.) it's illegal and i dont fucking have to

B.) I'm late for brunch bitch

C.) You are inconveniencing me and putting me at risk so you can treat the road like your personal playground...

D.) happy paralysis day...sucks for you *walks away with stitches and a settlement in my favor*