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Topic subjecti get that u want to do that...but he was far from the only car
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=168829&mesg_id=169213
169213, i get that u want to do that...but he was far from the only car
Posted by MiracleRic, Wed Oct-02-13 11:28 AM
on that street that wanted to get where they were going in peace...

he very well coulda been like "man, fuck these bikers...always making noise and acting rowdy...ima stay in my lane and make them go around me"

while that would be dickheaded and not smart...

it's much more likely that he was unaware...these bikes approach quickly and most people's reaction would be surprise and maintaining their lanes...

if im chilling in my lane minding my business...where you want to go and what you want to do doesnt trump my right to maintain my lane and get where im going...

this is my point...once dude felt he had the right to the road and to stop him in it...there is nothing that can be said...

his attitude could have pissed them off...or maybe the number of bikes going fast scared him...that's his fault and he seemed to just be chillin in his lane...

they should have gone around him...and if they wanted to be the harmless asshole type you seem hellbent on painting them as...just honked or gave him the finger...not force him to stop and corner him and then attack his vehicle

his initial fear is the same feeling most niggas get when seeing a cop car on your ass...you don't pull over to the side...you try to go unnoticed and continue on with your day

he did nothing unreasonable nor wrong...there is zero way to predict what would have happened had he not ran thru the bikes