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Topic subjectRE: wait... WHAT?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=168829&mesg_id=168845
168845, RE: wait... WHAT?
Posted by MainSource, Mon Sep-30-13 11:25 AM
>>Man I almost hit a biker this weekend when that bastard
>>swerved in front of me on the I85/I75 connector. Traffic was
>>dense and moving at about 60 mph. Next thing I know here
>>4 bikes doing 85 mph while weaving through traffic. I had to
>>speed up to prevent this dumb ass from cutting in front of
>>and causing an accident.
>..maybe i read this wrong, but how was speeding up gonna
>prevent an accident?

I had to close the gap between the car in front because if dude had tried to make it between my car and the one in front I would have hit him by accident. I couldn't hit the break because there was someone would have hit me from behind. Basically speeding up and closing off his aggressive behavior prevented an accident.