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Topic subjectYes, let's talk about ECLIPSED
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=111391&mesg_id=111745
111745, Yes, let's talk about ECLIPSED
Posted by Goldmind, Thu Dec-13-07 08:39 PM
I am really disappointed and disgusted as well.
From what I know, he has been doing HIV outreach for all of his career- and THIS is what he has to show for it?
-Refuting CRichmonkey's vitriol again gays with the limpest of wrists
-Chastizing Black gay men for having anal sex at all
-Telling us to "be like Luther Vandross" and never have sex for the rest of our lives
-Assuming that if Black gay men *do* have sex, it's going to be unprotected and that they're probably going to get AIDS
-Blaming Black gay men for the HIV crisis among str8 Black women

It's sad, and not cute at all. And if this is representative of the tactics of AIDS organizations in NYC, suddenly it's no wonder why the city has a supposed AIDS crisis.
Please graduate from Columbia and make me feel better about the state of Public Health, Akon. lol

>and i want a total and complete list.
>shit, even 'clipse is barely passing the
>'notahomophobe' test with that willy nilly throwing
>about of hiv/ stats as tho gay men= hiv
>anyone not part of the solution is to me a part of the
>and i am disappointed.
>but yes, im coming back to this post.
>im so disappointed, mayne.