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Topic subjectLate as hell...but I'll weigh in just the same.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=111391&mesg_id=111730
111730, Late as hell...but I'll weigh in just the same.
Posted by DVS, Thu Dec-13-07 01:37 AM
I'm homophobic. I know that about myself.

I toss gay slurs amongst my niggaz. I can be insensitive. I try to balance it out.

I'm not a facist about that shit. I just know that about myself...so I ACTIVELY try not to display that part of myself when amongst "mixed" company...so to speak.

But will I call you a "faggot assed nigga".....yes....if I know you're not gay.

That being said...

Allah is the best knower on this one. I believe that its not my place to judge....so I don't.

If I see a post going off on some rampant homosexual activity....I just ignore it. Its not in my wheelhouse....its not my interest....so in short....it ain't FUH ME!

But I won't hate on them having their chance to speak....anymore than I hate on anyone else.

In short....I'm a biggot.
I'm a racist.
And I'm homophobic.

But I know that about myself....and I'm TRYING to be more accepting....
Even if I fail sometimes.

In my humble opinion? You wouldn't know that about me if you've ever met until I actually told you.....

Or until you did some WILD homo shit in front of me and I had to either look away and/or leave the premises.

I'm done.