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Topic subjectgays will stay behind closed doors if you'll stay in the kitchen
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=111391&mesg_id=111656
111656, gays will stay behind closed doors if you'll stay in the kitchen
Posted by Nukkapedia, Thu Dec-13-07 10:31 AM

(stupid comments deserve equally stupid replies. I am not advocating for women to be repressed as they were before the 20th century. I'm pointing out a serious issue with your statement.)

It's not a "gay agenda" (who invented this dumb-behind term?) pushing these issues to the forefront of politics; its dogged opposition from right-wing political partties and groups. So you have gay activists pushing back from the other end, and twe all know that conflict and struggle makes for good media fodder.

To be perfectly honest, though, black folks as a whole might stand to learn something from gay activists (I know I am), because the vast majoritiy of black folks parade through life like ain't nothing wrong. No AIDS crisis, no issues with poverty and tenagers turning to crime, no urban decay, etc. Don't blame black folks' disinterest in social progress on gay people's interest in the same.

As far as "sin" is concenred, last time I checked, there was a seperation between church and state. Which means that people who choose not to follow a religion or to follow one different from Christianity should not have hteir rights restricted as a result, so long as what they want to do does not harm anyone else.

If you want to raise your kids to be homophobes, fine. That's your problem. It's also your right, so long as they don't extend such homophobia to violence or business dealings as adults, under which case they'll (in many places) be under violation of the law. Wouldn't it make better since to raise them to respect people, reguardless of what they do? I mean, are you also rasing them to hate fornicators (that's a lot of them, strong-willed women, people who don't go to church on Sunday, and everyone else who violates the Bible? Or do you and everyone else just pick gays because they're easy targets? Why aren't you rallying against fornication and adultry, and wishing America could go back to outlawing those?