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Topic subjectif it 'stayed' behind those closed doors
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111655, if it 'stayed' behind those closed doors
Posted by leelou, Wed Dec-12-07 08:51 PM
that would be fine, but it doesn't work that way.

Instead, the gay agenda and their civil rights are the top priority over racial minority groups woes even in presidential debates.

How did we get here?

Is this the new culture and everyone is suppose to get aboard or else?

With the current state of African American relationships, we don't want to admit that we can't do what they do.

Loose lifestyles, aids and homosexuality are killing us.

Since no one wants to address the sin, it will continue to do so.

as for me and my house...you know the rest.

and as an American, that should be my right.

if i want to raise children to view homosexuality the way most people did just 15 years ago, it should not bother any one.

but it does and why?

have we 'evolved' beyond the Word?

yes, sin is sin, but that still doesn't take away from the penalty.

and to that, each is own.