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Topic subjectRE: Barren people knowing they are barren throws the whole thing off
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=111391&mesg_id=111634
111634, RE: Barren people knowing they are barren throws the whole thing off
Posted by peppasauce, Wed Dec-12-07 02:47 PM
>It's not natural knowledge so the question doesn't stick.

>And about the animals I think homosexuality is a genetic
>deviancy, a mutation if you will.

so is the opposable thumb.
>EDIT: To make it more clear: We have sexual urges so that our
>genetic existence goes on. That is their purpose. That isn't
>true for gay people. Different, see?

if you take man as solely an animal, this logic stands. i believe there are many reasons for many human (and primates and more) behaviors that are bonding/social.
and in truth, we have not even come close to figuring out teh sole reason for anything. what makes you feel that you truly know the purpose of sexual urges? these assumptions are dangerous, particularly when used to invalidate/judge/marginalize another.