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Topic subjectagree completely...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=111391&mesg_id=111582
111582, agree completely...
Posted by buffalosoul, Wed Dec-12-07 06:34 PM
...you're not fully explaining your position, but I can sense where it's rooted and headed. No doubt as a homosexual yourself and having faced the challenge of judgement, you've thought about it a lot.

I was thinking about this today actually...you see it all the time: people naturally averse to extreme positions, simply because there is such a risk involved in assuming a position that is extreme relative to the norm. It means that your position is dependent not simply on your reasoning in isolation, but relative to that which is already established as normal.

In the case of attitudes towards homosexuality, the "normal" position is aversion, but bounded by a general tolerance, but I'd say really we're tending towards mad homo or mad phobic...personally, the position between is filled only because it's comfortable.

I read about this in some psychology paper actually a while ago relating to "status quo" argument and prospect theory. Basically, the normal position is assumed, because the possibilty of regret given that an extreme position is maintained is greater than if the status quo is maintained, there exist strong inertia of choice.