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Topic subjectYou know I like you but
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=111391&mesg_id=111495
111495, You know I like you but
Posted by lovelyone80, Thu Dec-13-07 09:39 AM
I don't appreciate being called ignorant. I am not gay so of course, I will speak of the gay experience as I see it. In my post I said in my opinion and from what I have seen. So instead of calling names, why wouldnt you use that as a platform to enlighten me. Explain to me how they are comparable or can be equated.
Like I said the fight for rights is different, to me all you are fighting for is acceptance (which white gays get more so black gays are fighting for double acceptance) and the right to get married. What am I missing?

See this is the fucked up part of OKP instead of even trying to have a discussion and try to explain your point, people rather say "fuck you", "you are ignorant", "stfu"...right. So whose really being ignorant.

This is why I dont bother with gay or religion post. People so fucking sensitive.