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Topic subjectI was riding for you for a sec...BUT
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=111391&mesg_id=111456
111456, I was riding for you for a sec...BUT
Posted by ThaAnthology, Wed Dec-12-07 12:26 PM
we have now gone down different avenues homie. I'll catch up with you later. Make the right, make the right....

>They're not less than me, they're not greater than me, but
>they are not my equals... they're different and should be
>treated as such.

Sounds like Jim Crowe to me...
>Again, in a society where the minority lives with the
>majority, they must assimilate to the prevailing social norms
>and adjust accordingly.

Oh shit, was that Rosa Parks getting locked up 'cause she sat down?

>So if you're gay, that's fine, but don't expect the same
>treatment that straight people get because society is
>predicated on the idea of a heterosexual norm and a homosexual
>fringe. And that's where homosexuality should stay, on the
Keep your niggers outta my yard. I understand you HAVE to live here, but know that we don't want you, need you or any such thing. Oh, and if you happen to see a noose in ya tree or a cross on your lawn..."our bad".
you're scaring me now dude.