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Topic subjectWe come from the foothills of the mountains of the moon, where
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111196, We come from the foothills of the mountains of the moon, where
Posted by poetx, Fri Nov-09-07 11:07 AM
god Hapi dwells - Papyrus of Hunefer. one of the oldest documents recovered from egypt/kmt.

mountains of the moon are the twin sources of the nile in central east africa. 'hapi' is the neter (god, if you will) associated with the Nile river, the source, both physically and metaphysically of the nile valley civilizations, of which egypt was the most well known and recognized but not the most ancient. the egyptians traced their civilization's origin to the south.

also, the archaeological record confirms this, with the proto-dynastic civilizations, including the Ta-Seti (land of the bow) situated further up the nile, to the south, in what is nubia and present day sudan.

i'm having fun with this post, w/ regard to tutankamun, however, the creators of dynastic egypt, up to and through the old kingdom and the time of the great pyramids were undoubtedly and unmistakeably phenotypically BLACK AFRICAN. look at khufu (cheops), khafre an nem.

thuthmoses (a couple of kings before tut) was unmistakably black, as were hatshepsut, etc. if tut was not entirely black he was certainly black enough to be racially profiled while driving an acura in the U.S .

the egyptian civilization traced its own roots to nubia and further south. that's why when there were nubian conquests, they were considered restorations of the past glory of egypt, unlike persian and hyksos conquests.

there are more pyramids in sudan than in egypt. go count all the pyramids in persia or arabia and get back to me. also find me any document in which the egyptians themselves trace their lineage and heritage to the north. didn't happen.

the society was certainly diverse. it existed around a nexus of three continents (2 real, one imagined).

if the UK elects a succession of black prime ministers, would someone be dumb enough to say, two millenia in the future, that britain was an historically black civilization? that's precisely what 'egyptologists' and lay people alike do with egypt with regard to that nation's history, equating the entire population with the widely circulated images of a handful of foreign born rulers who conquered egypt millenia after the foundation of its science religion and culture were set.

and this does not even get into the wide variation of african phenotypes (ie, look at a somali compared to a nigerian or south african).

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in