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Topic subjectdefining race has been based on subjective classification
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111175, defining race has been based on subjective classification
Posted by Nettrice, Sat Nov-10-07 05:22 PM
Egypt has always been an African civilization though it straddles two regions, Africa and the Middle East. it's fairly clear that the cultural roots of ancient Egypt lie in Africa and not in Asia. Egypt was a subtropical desert environment and its people had migrated from various ethnic groups over its history (and prehistory), thus it was something of a "melting pot," a mixture of many types of people with many skin tones, some certainly from the Sub-Saharan regions and others from more Mediterranean climes. it is impossible to categorize these people into the tidy "black" and "white" terms of today's racial distinctions.

so Nefertiti was African and most likely her "race" was a mixture of ethnic groups, the most dominant (genetically) being Black