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Topic subject*reaching* imho..for other movies this notion makes sense
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=110773&mesg_id=111101
111101, *reaching* imho..for other movies this notion makes sense
Posted by Vette, Thu Oct-25-07 02:45 PM
but I don't think it really fits apocalypse now. Using the Philippines to film - and the headache that ensued - is a subtle testament to the different cultural/political issues at play during that time. Martial law. Sheen having a heart attack on-set. Extreme weather conditions that caused major filming delays. Vietnam still fresh in the US public's minds. The relationship between the US and the Philippines. Coppola was able to capture all that tension in Apocalypse, which places it above being just another war movie.