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Topic subjectlol, i like the narrative arc of this entire post
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=110773&mesg_id=111069
111069, lol, i like the narrative arc of this entire post
Posted by spivak, Tue Oct-23-07 07:33 PM
starting with facts and general errata

moving to more specific questions about food, claiming people, highlighting events

and, toward the end of the month, flourishing with some of the most pressing questions that have to do with history, identity, and politics

what does it mean to be filipino?
what is the role of history, language, and tradition in being filipino?
what are the political implications in insisting on articulating a filipino identity?
what is the relationship between filipino and other histories? between filipino and filipino americans?

and in some ways, what's most important is to keep asking these questions, to keep reminding ourselves that it's crucial to think of these things, even if we disagree, even if we change our positions. to grapple with this, in some ways, really speaks to our postcolonial condition. to play with the idea of being filipino--to have fun with this serious matter. this is how i know i'm filipino. that and a love for all things ube.