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Topic subjectRE: October is Filipino History Month
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=110773&mesg_id=111052
111052, RE: October is Filipino History Month
Posted by CyNot, Tue Oct-23-07 11:07 AM
Very true, but although colonization is at the root of the problem our own neglect of our culture will slowly cause it to fade. They might have almost wiped out our culture but if we don't take it upon ourselves to educate and spread what little knowledge we have left of it then who will? I'm not blaming us (present day Fil-Ams), but ignoring our history doesn't exactly help - our neglect didn't cause the problem, but it will finish it. And I honestly don't believe that enough of us hunger to learn about our pre-colonization history/culture.

"...The fact that there were so many separate groups illustrates why there would be a lack of information. Even if we did have that history, it wouldn't necessarily be MY history...yenno?"

Very true as well, but this tends to illustrate my example about how some Filipinos do not even consider themselves Asian. We need to take ownership of our people as a whole - it's like those certain Filipinos who don't consider their "darker mountain Filipino" counterparts a part of their race. I think we all know about the unspoken view by most Filipinos that lighter skin is better (ever have family members complain that you're getting too dark?)
You don't see too many African Americans denying their Egyptian heritage because they didn't live in Egypt do you? Or the Japanese denying they're Japanese and claiming allegiance in accordance to which island they live on? I'm an American and a "Chicagoan," but I'm not saying parts of US history don’t apply to me just because it didn't happen in Illinois you know?

We need to celebrate and spread our culture as a whole, as a race. We can't keep separating ourselves by provinces or tribes, and it'd be damn near impossible to pinpoint our individual tribes anyways (shit, I probably have too much Chinese/Japanese/Spanish/Malaysian blood down the line to do that for myself.) I'm proud to call myself an American, a Filipino AND Asian. This is Filipino History Month, so let's celebrate ALL our history as a people.
Peace Unity and Respect to all.
(*excuse the cheese)