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Topic subjectRE: October is Filipino History Month
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=110773&mesg_id=111051
111051, RE: October is Filipino History Month
Posted by stankpalmer, Mon Oct-22-07 11:49 PM
> Sooner
>or later we all start to realize that we are what we are, and
>our Culture is slowly dying because of our neglectance. I
>don't think I need to tell you guys that there's a severe lack
>of information on our history and Culture prior to outside
>colonization, and our verbal history is almost nil. I've seen
>this urge to find out about our roots swell up inside of me
>and a few others around me and I think that's the point I've
>been trying to get at in this long ass reply.

Nice post. But I'm not so sure if it's so much our (assuming you mean "our" as us present day Fil-Ams) negligence though. I'm sure a lot of us hunger to learn about our pre-colonization history/culture. But is it really our fault that the colonizers rocked that sword and cross so well to effectively wipe out most of the culture? Another thing, there was no Philippines prior to colonization. The Spanish were the ones to really unite the different tribes together. The fact that there were so many separate groups illustrates why there would be a lack of information. Even if we did have that history, it wouldn't necessarily be MY history...yenno?