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Topic subjectRE: here's a question: do you make it a point to be filipino?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=110773&mesg_id=111034
111034, RE: here's a question: do you make it a point to be filipino?
Posted by TRENDone, Thu Oct-18-07 12:19 PM
i'm an anomaly.

i was born and raised in PI til i was about 8 but can't speak my dialect and barely understand it. i grew up in sf and currently live in daly city around hella filipinos. i've had my personal battles with identity but i look at it like this.

i wake up every morning and look in the mirror knowing i'm filipino and was born in PI. elders can clown on me for not knowing the language but they can't take away that i was born there. i treasure my memories of growing up there.

back to the language thing. i don't speak a lick of my dialect. i got my work voice that sounds like a square ass white boy. i speak the local street dialect near perfect which helps me get along with black and brown kids.

i've had filipinos tell me "you're the blackest filipino i know" but everything i do is filipino-american. i can't help it. it took me a long time to realize that.