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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectroots sample clearance (water on phren)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=3951
3951, roots sample clearance (water on phren)
Posted by wallychamp, Mon Oct-11-04 10:04 AM
did they clear that?

are the roots under the sampling microscope, or do the powers that be think they "play" everything.

i found the loop for water this weekend, and just started to wonder about this.
3952, its in the liner notes
Posted by dM, Mon Oct-11-04 10:05 AM

3953, You are such an idiot.
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-11-04 10:12 AM
I love how you try to play like you know everything...when you steal info from others, or state the obvious.

The Roots DID NOT produce that track and the sample was listed in the liner notes.

Now, take the egg off your face and go buy some more vinyl to hang on your wall and look at.


- Are You Listening?

- Are You Reading?


™ presents:

featuring: , , Eternal, ,
, , Plee & Lioness.

Donwill of ILWIL is "Writing" and Plee knows "Irony" -

"Heartbreak was the impetus to me writing poems and music in the first place."
"Over the years I had my heart broken so badly that if I didn't find a way
to get all the pain out, I was going to lose my mind.
I was crazy!
wanting to slash tires and smash car windows.
I was so hurt that I had to write.
Then I went to poetry readings and shared my work,
and it was like,
people really understand where I'm coming from.
I was like,
this is not only for myself, it's for other people, too.
Fortunately a lot of those painful days are behind me.
When I'm going through something, I've learned to nurture myself,
and I stay surrounded by people who love me.
Now I can definitely say I'm living one of the
of my life."

- that lady up there in the avy...
3954, RE: You are such an idiot.
Posted by wallychamp, Mon Oct-11-04 10:15 AM
>I love how you try to play like you know everything...when
>you steal info from others, or state the obvious.
>The Roots DID NOT produce that track and the sample was
>listed in the liner notes.
>Now, take the egg off your face and go buy some more vinyl
>to hang on your wall and look at.

didn't read the phren liner notes.....so i stand corrected on the clearance question....

as for you saying i "stated the obvious", if i didn't read the liner notes, how is what i said obvious?

i know enough to know you're a sucka man....plain and simple...so continue the attempts to put me on blast on here, but i KNOW (from several individuals) the status of your herbness.
3955, Name names then bitch...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-11-04 10:21 AM
>but i KNOW (from several individuals) the status of your herbness.

or are these random okp fags who can't speak up for themselves?

I'd like to know who my enemies are...

>so continue the attempts to put me on blast on here

ohhhh....my bad...

I guess I was the one chasing YOU around the lesson replying up under every post YOU made...the way you twist the truth is Enquirer-worthy...
3956, actually---
Posted by qoolquest, Tue Oct-12-04 04:54 PM
if i may stand correct before the court.

that was an samterpolation.

i regret to say that of all the albums that we devoted about 40+ hours of footage recording docu's (sans organix) i think we lost some footage of the phren stuff (cue in frank's rejoicing)--

i played on top of sample cause the best part of the song was the sirens singing the ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....part.

but drums and bass and guitar are played ontop of that loop.

and man that shit was hard as fuck to follow.

3957, damn
Posted by qoolquest, Tue Oct-12-04 04:58 PM
why i feel like im alone in this crowded post.

i just read all the threads...i thought i was dropping jewels and all....but...oh well...

continue with round 4 yall...

(grabs popcorn)
3958, yo Monotone, move on down the couch!
Posted by INKtheZionCrewRep, Tue Oct-12-04 05:39 PM
we're seating three now


ps my screenname's lame.

"too late...i got your money now dukes
3959, the drums make that song
Posted by Spread, Thu Oct-14-04 11:33 AM
I guess it's my turn to hop on the jock, but the drums on that song were the best part of the album...it's got that New Orleans feel to it...I love hearing MCs spit over some different shit that still grooves (as opposed to the choppy 7/8 or speed'em up slow'em downs and glitchy sample pop beats)

just wanted to tell you I appreciated that shit

and now cats can start clowning on me too
3960, Nope..continue
Posted by Chapter Crew, Sat Oct-23-04 04:17 AM
(Scribble, Scibble, Scribble...) Continue to drop jewels....

From windy to sincity

True Notes Volume One
NAS w The Chapter House of Blues Las Vegas Nov. 04
Us Vs Them Febuary 05
3961, oh, we payin attention...mosdef.
Posted by Foneticcus, Wed Oct-27-04 07:42 PM

3962, lol no one cares
Posted by t510, Fri Oct-15-04 10:52 AM
a fight just broke out in the schoolyard and u trying to run to english class
3963, :[
Posted by fwmj, Sat Oct-16-04 03:44 PM
>(cue in frank's

www.fwmj.com | www.fwmj.com/word | www.fwmj.com/x | www.ohsonappy.com

"i think you know my homey, too... i.d.? he says you're a cool motherfucker - contrary to whatever else i hear." - Quidom
3964, looks like a lot of people are reading...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-11-04 11:21 AM
but nobody's responding...so sad...


those of you who can personally testify to the status of my "herbness" please feel free to respond...

oh yeah - and don't forget to mention how stupid wallychamp is for posting this...
3965, Not to co-sign that bamma shit..but you aint helpin.
Posted by Mash_Comp, Mon Oct-11-04 11:25 AM
>those of you who can personally testify to the status of my
>"herbness" please feel free to respond...

3966, you don't know the backstory Mash...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-11-04 11:36 AM
i'm sick and tired of this mofo tryin' to mkae me look bad by saying "several people feel the same way I do" but none of them can speak up for themselves...

I ain't the ONLY one who knows this cat tries to fuck with me on here - i'm draggin' this shit out NOW...

I ain't been nothing BUT good to people - and if cats have caught feelings off of my reviews, then so be it...I'm just one man...my opinion won't stop your shit from selling...

I wanna bring all this shit out and take away his power...THAT'S what this is about...
3967, yeah but you been riding his nuttsack for a minute
Posted by Ascension, Mon Oct-11-04 11:43 AM
i mean every post he makes your always following him into it on some your a herb and im gonna make fun of you sh!t.
3968, do you REALLY pay attention?
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-11-04 03:42 PM
>i mean every post he makes your always following him into it
>on some your a herb and im gonna make fun of you sh!t.

he was doing that to ME...not the other way around...

either you HONESTLY got it mixed up or he's your new fuck buddy...which is it?
3969, RE: do you REALLY pay attention?
Posted by icecold3000, Mon Oct-11-04 04:05 PM
I want to just say u mad, but you are genuinely mad
3970, madder than the hatter
Posted by fire, Fri Oct-15-04 09:38 PM

3971, wow..its that serious now?
Posted by Ascension, Mon Oct-11-04 04:15 PM
your obsessed w/ him..just admit it.

he really must of hurt your feelings.
3972, have u not read any of tREBLEFREE's posts
Posted by INKtheZionCrewRep, Mon Oct-11-04 04:23 PM
in the past couple of months?

wallychamp has something sideways to say in EVERY one
i set my watch to it

exhibit a....

ps my screenname's lame.

"too late...i got your money now dukes
3973, wallychamp=homo fo sho
Posted by d0m, Mon Oct-11-04 04:59 PM
he does the same shit everytime i ask a dj related question.

works for him i guess since he aint got nothin better to do.
3974, You know what?
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-11-04 04:57 PM
>your obsessed w/ him..just admit it.
>he really must of hurt your feelings.

Don't speak on shit you don't FULLY know about...

you a newbie up in here...you DON'T know the history...

avoid looking like an idiot and shut what they call "the fuck up".
3975, wrong
Posted by Ascension, Mon Oct-11-04 05:01 PM
im C_Hickman

and i cant login w/ my other name..dont come at me w/ that newbie shit..ive been here for almost 5 years.

you act like you have some kinda status on this site that makes your something worthwhile..the fuck outta here. Your just mad he dissed your wack beats. Talk about the worst link in OMNI.
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-11-04 05:16 PM
>im C_Hickman


I thought we was cool...I guess not...

>ive been here for almost 5 years.


let it be known...

>you act like you have some kinda status on this site that
>makes your something worthwhile..the fuck outta here.

what made you think that?

like I said, i post what I wanna discuss, nothing more, nothing less...

I never act like I'm the last word on ANYTHING...I say what I mean and mean what I say...if that makes YOU feel uncomfortable, that's YOUR problem...not mine...

>Your just mad he dissed your wack beats.

what beats?

I haven't posted any beats since The Payback Challenge - and before that, the singles from my upcoming album - so what beats are YOU talkin' about?

First the Fat Boys break up, now this...I never had beef with you Hickman...

>Talk about the worst link in OMNI.

where is all this coming from?

and if you're Hickman, why the "Anonymous Anonymous" in your profile? what you hidin' for?
3977, LOL..aight maybe i took it too far...haha.
Posted by Ascension, Mon Oct-11-04 05:39 PM
cause i aint really tryna be on some beef shit..but all i know is Wally is cool peoples w/ me..hell yeah he's arrogant, so am I alot of times yall see on here. Its always the ones w/ strong opinions people have a problem w/ in the lesson.

But he's a good friend of mine..and sometimes i wonder where all the hate derives from.

3978, its not too late to edit
Posted by INKtheZionCrewRep, Mon Oct-11-04 05:51 PM
talk some more shit back!!

you're killing me and Monotone's night with this shit!

lol just playing man

ps my screenname's lame.

"too late...i got your money now dukes
3979, i cant help it my spelling is awful tonite
Posted by Ascension, Mon Oct-11-04 05:55 PM
i need to start using the preview button...like i said tho it went to far..i dont even know why i'm even defending Wally right now..when i know he's done his fair share of pissing people off..im officially done for the night.
3980, who's talking about spelling? i want THE DRAMA
Posted by INKtheZionCrewRep, Mon Oct-11-04 05:56 PM

lol just jokes

ps my screenname's lame.

"too late...i got your money now dukes
3981, ain't that the truth
Posted by buildingblock, Mon Oct-11-04 05:58 PM
Its always
>the ones w/ strong opinions people have a problem w/ in the
3982, thats not just The Lesson tho
Posted by INKtheZionCrewRep, Mon Oct-11-04 06:00 PM
that's life.

ps my screenname's lame.

"too late...i got your money now dukes
3983, I wasn't laughin' at SHIT
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-11-04 07:12 PM
>sometimes i wonder where all the hate derives from.

if you REALLY wonder, you'd do more reading and listening and LESS talking...

I can count on one hand the people I knowingly have beef with on these boards - and in EACH CASE, my outspoken opinions have been the reason behind it - nothing more, nothing less.

That being said, Wallychamp is NOT one of those people - and he knows it.

Since y'all so cool, ASK HIM to tell you why I got beef with him...


I've always had cool debates with you - even in your Dilla post...this was a cool thing for you to pull...

lol my ass....
3984, RE: I wasn't laughin' at SHIT
Posted by wallychamp, Mon Oct-11-04 07:53 PM
>>sometimes i wonder where all the hate derives from.
>if you REALLY wonder, you'd do more reading and listening
>and LESS talking...
>I can count on one hand the people I knowingly have beef
>with on these boards - and in EACH CASE, my outspoken
>opinions have been the reason behind it - nothing more,
>nothing less.
>That being said, Wallychamp is NOT one of those people - and
>he knows it.
>Since y'all so cool, ASK HIM to tell you why I got beef with
>I've always had cool debates with you - even in your Dilla
>post...this was a cool thing for you to pull...
>lol my ass....

strong opinions, yes i have them, but your beef with me is fabricated by you and only you....conspiracy theorists with friends never works.
3985, OHHHHH!!! OKAAAAY!!!
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-11-04 08:30 PM
>your beef with me is fabricated by you and only you....

For the record:
Main Entry: fab·ri·cate
Pronunciation: 'fa-bri-"kAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cat·ed; -cat·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin fabricatus, past participle of fabricari, from fabrica
1 a : INVENT, CREATE b : to make up for the purpose of deception
2 : CONSTRUCT, MANUFACTURE; specifically : to construct from diverse and usually standardized parts

For purposes of this post, I'm going to assume when you say fabricated you mean definition 1a from above...which to ME says you think I'm lying...

So allow me to clarify:

I'M LYING ABOUT you askin' me for info and then posting like you knew it in the first place?

I'M LYING ABOUT you being UNGRATEFUL AS FUCK for all the music and knowledge I've shared with you?

I'M LYING ABOUT you accusing me of ruining your rep with other okps when YOU did it yourself by beggin' them for shit within 20 minutes of knowing them?

AND I'M LYING ABOUT you posting up under EVERY post I made with a stupid ass snide remark in your fervent attempts to piss me off?

Am I correct so far?

I hope you know GOD and believe in him...

He's the ONLY ONE keeping me from buyin' a plane ticket to Richardson, Texas you piece of shit...
3986, WOW
Posted by chrisroc07, Tue Oct-12-04 06:55 AM
Just WOW.
3987, RE: OHHHHH!!! OKAAAAY!!!
Posted by wallychamp, Tue Oct-12-04 10:00 AM
>>your beef with me is fabricated by you and only you....
>For the record:
>Main Entry: fab·ri·cate
>Pronunciation: 'fa-bri-"kAt
>Function: transitive verb
>Inflected Form(s): -cat·ed; -cat·ing
>Etymology: Middle English, from Latin fabricatus, past
>participle of fabricari, from fabrica
>1 a : INVENT, CREATE b : to make up for the purpose of
>2 : CONSTRUCT, MANUFACTURE; specifically : to construct from
>diverse and usually standardized parts
>For purposes of this post, I'm going to assume when you say
>fabricated you mean definition 1a from above...which to ME
>says you think I'm lying...
>So allow me to clarify:
>I'M LYING ABOUT you askin' me for info and then posting like
>you knew it in the first place?
>I'M LYING ABOUT you being UNGRATEFUL AS FUCK for all the
>music and knowledge I've shared with you?
>I'M LYING ABOUT you accusing me of ruining your rep with
>other okps when YOU did it yourself by beggin' them for shit
>within 20 minutes of knowing them?
>AND I'M LYING ABOUT you posting up under EVERY post I made
>with a stupid ass snide remark in your fervent attempts to
>piss me off?
>Am I correct so far?
>I hope you know GOD and believe in him...
>He's the ONLY ONE keeping me from buyin' a plane ticket to
>Richardson, Texas you piece of shit...

lmao...you're something else.

this further proves my point.
3988, What point?
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Tue Oct-12-04 04:22 PM
>this further proves my point.

That my beef with you is "fabricated" by me?

You haven't proven shit muthafucka...I'm still waiting on those names...


I'm sick of this bullshit - it's gonna end with this post Kyle - I mean it.
3989, *raises hand*, but i didn't tell wallychamp that
Posted by buildingblock, Tue Oct-12-04 04:52 PM
but i only think you're a herb for carryin' this post too damn far...outside of my normal issue with you.

dude, take that shit to the inbox...this ain't about music

but you really didn't need me to reiterate how i felt...i just got tired of seein' you yellin' into thin cyber air, so i answered

why let these mufuckas rile you up...you act like a third grader...ignore each fuckin' other, that's what i do most the time with you when you start to get on my nerves
3990, with all due respect brother block...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Tue Oct-12-04 05:34 PM
this ain't yo fight...lean back...

You one of the 5 I KNOW got beef with me...you don't count...

that's 1 down I guess Mr. Wallyfuck...where are the others? several denotes AT LEAST 4 or more...

(Despite our beef, I'm glad you got the heart to speak up D'Greg...)
3991, hahaha my DAWG!! *puts on Freddie Foxxx*
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat Oct-23-04 05:05 AM
Just point'em out, duke. I got you....
3992, after readin' this back and forth, i concur
Posted by buildingblock, Tue Oct-12-04 03:30 AM
take that shit to the inbox...it was interestin' the first few replies, then shit got rather geeky with all the outlines and pie chart diagrams on the number of occurences...
3993, lol @ pie charts...
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Wed Oct-20-04 08:46 AM
...that was great man
3994, goddamn this post is fantastic alluvasudden
Posted by Mash_Comp, Mon Oct-11-04 05:29 PM

3995, can't you just feel the love in the room?
Posted by INKtheZionCrewRep, Mon Oct-11-04 05:31 PM

ps my screenname's lame.

"too late...i got your money now dukes
3996, Oh...you wanna play the edit game...
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Mon Oct-11-04 05:33 PM
And make me look like an ass...

Ha, ha.



"Is Ascension REALLY C_HICKMAN?"

**ORGAN STAB (at chromatic half-step)**

"Is Wallychamp REALLY James Yancey?"

**ORGAN STAB (at next chromatic half-step)**

"What will tREBLEFREE say next?"

Join us next time as the Lesson Turns...

3997, *sirens go off*
Posted by INKtheZionCrewRep, Mon Oct-11-04 05:36 PM
i'm underage man

like that shit's gonna stop me
*passes brew*

ps my screenname's lame.

"too late...i got your money now dukes
3998, ha, ha...now I got you with the edit.
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Mon Oct-11-04 05:37 PM
Take that, take that, take that...

3999, actually my edit was before you posted.
Posted by INKtheZionCrewRep, Mon Oct-11-04 05:39 PM
check the times, bitch!

*checks self*
damn, the hate must be contagious... my bad

ps my screenname's lame.

"too late...i got your money now dukes
4000, F that...me & you got beef now son.
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Mon Oct-11-04 05:43 PM
You don't know the pain you gon feel from this keyboard kid. I don't play, I type 60 words a minute dog! Do you know how much drama I can bring to you in 2 minutes dun? Do you? Do ya???


4001, *breaks Sam Adams off*
Posted by INKtheZionCrewRep, Mon Oct-11-04 05:48 PM
what ya want, son?!!


ps my screenname's lame.

"too late...i got your money now dukes
4002, Damn...I WANTED a Sam Adams...
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Mon Oct-11-04 05:50 PM
you ain't hafta break the bottle like that dog! yo, i'm sorry son...can I have one fareal?

4003, that was my last one, man
Posted by INKtheZionCrewRep, Mon Oct-11-04 05:52 PM
*hides rest of the case behind back*

ps my screenname's lame.

"too late...i got your money now dukes
4004, y'all two...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-11-04 07:15 PM
thanx for making the post funny...

I need comic relief after all this drama...
4005, OH, Y'ALL made it funny...
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Tue Oct-12-04 03:18 AM
we just addin' on.

we all need to lighten up like Michael Jackson.

4006, I'll lighten up when truth is revealed...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Tue Oct-12-04 07:03 AM
>we all need to lighten up like Michael Jackson.

All this lyin' and posin' is pissin' me the fuck off...I've had enough.

SEVERAL cats cat speak of my supposed herbness - WHERE ARE THEY?

4007, Straight up comedy.
Posted by unemployed, Mon Oct-11-04 07:57 PM
We should all be ashamed of ourselves.
4008, If anyone cares...
Posted by emeyesi, Mon Oct-11-04 09:27 PM
The Flying Lizards are the truth.

They were ahead of their time.

Okay go back to your lil spat fellas.
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Tue Oct-12-04 08:16 PM


4010, In the words of Mason Betha...
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Wed Oct-13-04 03:51 AM


4011, In the words of tREBLE FREE...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Wed Oct-13-04 06:02 AM

...truth WILL come out once and for all...what...
4012, Ok Treblefree..lets touch on reality here
Posted by Ascension, Wed Oct-13-04 06:21 AM
what has Wally done that was so bad that would get you so pissed off right now to the fact you keep wanting to extend this shit man,

Sometimes this internet shit is too much for some of yall..you dont even know this muhfukka in real life and your stressed out talkin bout tryna go to his house in Richardson Tx..let it go fam.
4013, Not that I NEED to do this...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Wed Oct-13-04 06:49 AM
but let me break down EXACTLY what I want from Wallychamp:

1.) NAME THE NAMES of these "several people who can testify to the status of my herbness" OR these "several" individuals can speak up on their own and state what I have done to wrong them. All this fake ass "I got a team of people who don't like you" shit is SOOOO high school...as a man, I want to right my wrongs.

2.) LEAVE ME - THE FUCK - ALONE in posts...stop coming up under me with snide ass remarks that aren't even valid points that are germaine to the post at hand.

If I can get these two things from Wallychamp, this post and this beef will be over.

The choice is his.
4014, RE: Not that I NEED to do this...
Posted by wallychamp, Wed Oct-13-04 05:13 PM
>but let me break down EXACTLY what I want from Wallychamp:
>1.) NAME THE NAMES of these "several people who can testify
>to the status of my herbness" OR these "several" individuals
>can speak up on their own and state what I have done to
>wrong them. All this fake ass "I got a team of people who
>don't like you" shit is SOOOO high school...as a man, I want
>to right my wrongs.
>2.) LEAVE ME - THE FUCK - ALONE in posts...stop coming up
>under me with snide ass remarks that aren't even valid
>points that are germaine to the post at hand.
>If I can get these two things from Wallychamp, this post and
>this beef will be over.
>The choice is his.


the beef i have with you is simple...you're so blindly arrogant that you ACTUALLY THINK i posted jay-dee sample sources or whatever the fuck it was you told me FISHING TO GET PROPS AND INTENTIONALLY LEAVING YOUR NAME OUT....like you needed a shout in my acceptance speech....round my way, you don't get geeked out over some cat not giving you you "props" unintentionally.

4015, You STILL haven't answered my questions
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Wed Oct-13-04 06:02 PM
or agreed to my terms stated in #2.

>the beef i have with you is simple...you're so blindly
>arrogant that you ACTUALLY THINK i posted jay-dee sample
>sources or whatever the fuck it was you told me FISHING TO
>you needed a shout in my acceptance speech....round my way,
>you don't get geeked out over some cat not giving you you
>"props" unintentionally.

all of this don't mean shit right now...I don't like you, and I NEVER WILL LIKE YOU. I know who you are now and I accept it...


>>1.) NAME THE NAMES of these "several people who can testify
>>to the status of my herbness" OR these "several" individuals
>>can speak up on their own and state what I have done to
>>wrong them. All this fake ass "I got a team of people who
>>don't like you" shit is SOOOO high school...as a man, I want
>>to right my wrongs.

Did you once again speak on behalf of people who DIDN'T feel that way about me and YOU YOURSELF sought to find a way to hurt me?

Bitch, I got more allies in this muthafucka than dicks your mom has sucked - which let her tell it is very many...you know how many damn CDs I send out to cats not askin' for shit in return? You know how many okps I've helped with info around here? You know how many songs I've spent HOURS uploading for cats over my 56k connection?? Yeah, NEITHER DO I BECAUSE THE SHIT COMES FROM THE HEART DOG. I ain't GOTTA remember. I do right - I ALWAYS try to do right.

Punk ass chumps like you who try to tarnish my name and my rep in here in order to boost YOUR OWN

I've had it... plain and simple.

I tried to be friendly, but YOU fucked that up...

>>2.) LEAVE ME - THE FUCK - ALONE in posts...stop coming up
>>under me with snide ass remarks that aren't even valid
>>points that are germaine to the post at hand.


You know you do - STOP IT - agree to STOP IT...that's all I ask.


>>If I can get these two things from Wallychamp, this post and
>>this beef will be over.

4016, RE: Not that I NEED to do this...
Posted by musickman, Thu Oct-21-04 11:53 AM
>1.) NAME THE NAMES of these "several people who can testify
>to the status of my herbness" OR these "several" individuals
>can speak up on their own and state what I have done to
>wrong them. All this fake ass "I got a team of people who
>don't like you" shit is SOOOO high school...as a man, I want
>to right my wrongs.

Aiight, I don't like yo muhfucking ass, nigga, now what! Fuck you gonna do?

Lol, before you set it off on me...I'm fucking with you. Yall up in this post bugging doggs, but, it has become entertaining. Imma go back to the sidelines and eat my popcorn and wait for the names to come up. I'll hit you on the inbox later


"I'm The Music Maaaannnn" - Masta Ace

4017, *yanks post from page 4 and pushes it up*
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Wed Oct-13-04 12:34 PM

WHERE YOU AT???!!!???
4018, pl ea se ,j us ts to pi t
Posted by guest, Wed Oct-13-04 12:43 PM

4019, pl e ase min d y ou r ow n bi d ness...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Wed Oct-13-04 01:29 PM
4020, th is bo ar di sm yb us in es s, an dy ou co ul du se
Posted by guest, Wed Oct-13-04 02:20 PM
th ei bo xt od is cu ss th is
4021, The fuck, ya'll Good Will Hunting'n shit?? lol
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat Oct-23-04 05:16 AM
4022, Nice job, Columbus.
Posted by swinger3421, Wed Oct-13-04 01:08 PM
Go on n' marinate on that for a minute.

Video killed the star.

"A baby seal walks into a club..." (c) worms
4023, so whats the name of the sample?
Posted by Ayatollah Watts, Wed Oct-13-04 01:24 PM

4024, sample?
Posted by UniversalXplorer, Wed Oct-13-04 02:03 PM

this is the undercard to the Beatminerz Vs southphillyman fight and you wanna discuss samples??? go cop phrenology and read the liner notes

'Play y’all part , get on y’all "P’s and Q’s"/
And when y’all face off, be prepared to lose/
Bring money to spend/and somebody to lend
And some worthwhile money, not $20’s and $10’s'

'Reek come into the party with a cape and a cane'
-REEK GEEZ (The Pros)

'never coming twice in one form'-REEK GEEZ (Organix)
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Thu Oct-14-04 07:26 AM
From FrontMan/Fabrication Records comes the most ANTICIPATED release of 2004, The debut EP from Wallychump, “The George Bush Of OKP”.

Born in the slums of Detroit (or at least that’s what he wants you to believe), Wallychump cultivated his fan base the easy way – he stole it!

Now – YOU get to witness this first hand by hearing his debut release!

It includes such hits as:

"tREBLEFREE's Beef With Me Is Fabricated By Him"

“tREBLEFREE Knows Where The WMDs Are”

and the first single:

"Several People Can Testify To tREBLEFREE's Herbness (But I Don’t Have To Tell You Who They Are Because I’M WALLYCHUMP!)"

Order your copy of this groundbreaking EP today by calling 1-900-ILIEFORATTENCHUN, that’s 1-900-ILIEFORATTENCHUN.

Your hip-hop collection WILL NOT be complete with out a platinum copy of this EP hanging on your wall for you to look at! Be the first to buy it now!

NO REISSUES WILL BE PRESSED…EVER…So you must buy this now!


Operators are standing by…
4026, there's only 5,000 copies left!!!
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Thu Oct-14-04 01:47 PM
and NO REISSUES WILL BE PRESSED…EVER…So you must buy this now!

4027, apparently Wallychump's lies aren't selling...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Sat Oct-16-04 03:30 PM
and I REALLY question Kyle's manhood since he can't stand up like a man and answer the questions at hand...

oh well...

*pushes stack of papers to front of desk*
4028, that's hot
Posted by JNOTA, Thu Oct-14-04 11:14 AM
this weekend i was "digging" at tower records (its not on the main street, so they have all kinds of rare records)
and... believe it or not, I FOUND the sample for puff daddy's "missing you"
4029, haha....
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Thu Oct-14-04 11:20 AM
>believe it or not, I FOUND the sample for puff daddy's "missing you"

I got an ORIGINAL pressing of it on vinyl...BEAT THAT.
4030, :( I got it off ebay for $800.00
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat Oct-23-04 05:23 AM
I'm a sucka.
4031, *pushes post up*
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Thu Oct-14-04 01:24 PM
waiting for truth Mr. Chump...

it can end with the truth...answer the questions...
4032, you approachin' stalker status
Posted by buildingblock, Thu Oct-14-04 01:30 PM

4033, RE: you approachin' stalker status
Posted by Grand_Styles, Thu Oct-14-04 09:50 PM
Yeah, I definately gotta agree with B.Block about thiz, juz let it go tReblefree, thiz discussion iz becomin' more of an joke along with you in it.
4034, *looks at watch*
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Fri Oct-15-04 09:44 AM

SURE is taking a long time for truth to come forward...
4035, lol...
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Fri Oct-15-04 09:54 AM
..im cool with both of you, but this post made my day
4036, motherpost
Posted by fire, Fri Oct-15-04 10:29 AM

4037, uneducation at its best
Posted by Narcolepticly_Orgasmic, Fri Oct-15-04 10:40 AM

4038, you win treblefree
Posted by acidtabs, Fri Oct-15-04 11:16 AM
everybody likes you except for bblock and wallychamp.

Breathe (c) Fab

special herbs:

Abbstrack, TurkeylegJenkins, magilla vanilla, Miles, Mouse Alexander, nexboogie, BIG-B, hiwol88, Expertise, Organ, SoWhat, Binlahab, MALACHI, kid, suaved

Pick nose! Pick butt! Pick Kerry.
4039, I just look at it like this:
Posted by Kuahmel, Fri Oct-15-04 12:13 PM
If Wally DOES continue with it with Treb after this post, then we all know what's the real deal.

If not, the ish is over.

Plain and simple.

But everyone here already knows it's personal with the both of them.

Maybe the two of you should come to GD and talk to some brizzles, have fun, and chill. We all know The Lesson incites a lot of foul passions in cats.
4040, What Wallychump fails to realize...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Fri Oct-15-04 09:27 PM
is that THIS POST HERE will NOT die until I can get the truth out of him.

I appreciate the support from others who KNOW I'm not herbified, but he's turned this into a "let me defame tREBLEFREE moment" and I'm sick to death of that shit.

He will:

A.) answer my two questions (the ones posed in an earlier response)
B.) agree to leave me what they call "the fuck alone" ©buildingblock
C. and keep my name out his mouth

if he doesn't, this shit won't end until the mods shut it down. I don't give a fuck. It's gonna end with this post - i mean it...

and if doing THIS makes me a "herb" in other cats' eyes, so be it. I need peace and closure and this is the only way I feel I can get it. He can ignore an inbox - shit, he already has.
4041, archive
Posted by sixteenstone, Fri Oct-15-04 01:14 PM
4042, yo
Posted by jose3030, Fri Oct-15-04 07:34 PM
this post is comedy on so many levels.

*takes popcorn from ?uestlove's couch and sits down*
4043, I'm still waiting Wally...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Sun Oct-17-04 09:10 PM
Posted by RadjanS, Sun Oct-17-04 11:46 PM
STOP FIGHTING! i just want to sleeep :(
4045, haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Mon Oct-18-04 03:27 AM
4046, funny post
Posted by Delete me, Mon Oct-18-04 02:26 AM
congrats, you idiots.
4047, It's not meant to be funny...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-18-04 11:03 AM
I'm serious as a muthafuckin' heart attack...
4048, as annoying as Wallychamp is
Posted by johnny_domino, Mon Oct-18-04 11:07 AM
when you let him get to you like that, he wins. All he did was:

a) say unnamed people think you're a "herb" and
b) talk about some sample sources you gave him without attributing them to you

4049, You know what? You're right...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-18-04 11:37 AM
>when you let him get to you like that, he wins.

I should just let this post die and let him continue to spread dirt on my name and let EVERYBODY believe that people who DON'T like him feel that way because of me...

>All he did was:
>a) say unnamed people think you're a "herb" and

true...add in that these people don't exist and refuses to admit that...

>b) talk about some sample sources you gave him without
>attributing them to you

false...at least in this case...
4050, johnny_domino is always right
Posted by The Money Man, Mon Oct-18-04 12:46 PM
or at least 90% of the time.

always puts stuff into perspective.

I listen to that nigga
4051, if you didn't give nobody no dirt
Posted by Spread, Thu Oct-21-04 10:21 AM
how is he gonna spread it?

dirt doesn't just grow from the soil...oh wait, what I meant was, okay I got it, you guys are in a sterile room with no walls and a hard floor, and dirt doesn't even exist on the planet this room is in...and Wally tells someone he's got dirt on you, but you being clean exclaim that he is lying, but since this planet has never seen dirt before you wouldn't even know if he had dirt on you if he did because dirt hasn't been invented on this planet yet so you don't know what it looks like...but you still swear you've never seen dirt and so you try and talk about some stuff that reminds you of what you think in your imagination dirt would be like and you start naming them and everyone thinks you're crazy for calling these things dirt, but you aren't quite sure what dirt is. Yet, if you have never seen dirt, how do you know you don't have it? Maybe you've been calling your fingernails "fingernails" when in actuality they are really dirt...if you are still reading this than you are a herb...actually I got a question for yall east coast muthafuckas...what the fuck is a herb anyway? where I'm from the herb is good and sticky, I would take it as a compliment
>I should just let this post die and let him continue to
>spread dirt on my name and let EVERYBODY believe that people
>who DON'T like him feel that way because of me...

4052, I'm wild too but you niggas are hilarious.
Posted by The Money Man, Mon Oct-18-04 12:44 PM
thanks for making me laugh.

I was never one for internet beef.

Hilarious post. OKP at it's finest. And this is like the third or fourth time i have walked in on your bickering.

4053, aren't you white?
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-18-04 12:56 PM
correct me if I'm wrong...
4054, even if he is, yall still actin' like niggas
Posted by buildingblock, Mon Oct-18-04 01:02 PM

4055, you know what man?
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-18-04 01:14 PM
i'm gettin' real sick of you actin' like you fatherin' shit up in here.




4056, don't you mean fall back?
Posted by buildingblock, Mon Oct-18-04 01:19 PM
lean back is a dance

4057, either way man...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-18-04 01:27 PM
just DO IT.

damn man - it seems like you WANT shit wit me...

I KNOW we ain't gon' ever be friends - I'm cool with that...flat out - this shit don't concern you...

The TLJ mess was the ONLY time I stuck my nose in one of YOUR beefs - I have absolved myself of that...
4058, i haven't, that's what matters
Posted by buildingblock, Mon Oct-18-04 07:39 PM
>I have absolved myself of that...

4059, Okay...so allow me to clarify...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Wed Oct-20-04 08:34 AM
just so I COMPLETELY understanding here...

YOUR reluctance to let go of OUR beef involves you in this shit?

4060, Uhhh...this is what I had in mind when I said
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Wed Oct-20-04 08:42 AM
never do that again. I was an RA in college, mediation is my nature, so forgive me for butting in but..."I thought we're supposed to be brothers??" (c) Mos Def (when he was still mighty)

4061, I'm waitin' on your answer...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Mon Oct-18-04 01:15 PM
for me to proceed sir...aren't you white?
Posted by Scrapluv, Mon Oct-18-04 02:42 PM

Posted by fire, Mon Oct-18-04 05:03 PM

4064, Plutonium Teef?
Posted by Mash_Comp, Mon Oct-18-04 05:04 PM

4065, Rust-Oleum™ Queef?
Posted by ArtVandelay, Mon Oct-18-04 07:30 PM
That's all I got, folks

This post is beyond belief

4066, **lights spliff with fonta leaf**
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Wed Oct-20-04 08:43 AM
4067, magnesium queef
Posted by buildingblock, Wed Oct-20-04 08:50 AM

4068, iranian cheese
Posted by daveyg, Fri Oct-22-04 04:34 AM
4069, :::drowning in Australian Reef:::
Posted by Lightfoot, Fri Oct-22-04 09:21 AM

4070, Senor Cam'ron got that peef
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat Oct-23-04 05:31 AM
4071, Easter Bunny got sum big teef
Posted by fire, Sat Oct-23-04 11:47 AM

4072, my teef hurt, so I can't pay the rent on my leef
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat Oct-23-04 12:31 PM
4073, i paid ur rent by selling my album to keef
Posted by fire, Tue Oct-26-04 06:48 AM

4074, Yall niggas shut up and go to Sleep
Posted by darryl reeves, Tue Oct-26-04 07:30 PM
4075, Not the best reply of the millenium, chief
Posted by Lightfoot, Thu Oct-28-04 06:45 AM

4076, What you got beef?
Posted by darryl reeves, Tue Nov-02-04 07:06 AM
4077, DTS
Posted by bluetiger, Wed Oct-20-04 09:41 AM

There is currently no political platform that addresses using a
phat ass as an ATM - k.orr

"why do we have a war on terrorism? we need a war on apathy and ignorance." - maynard james keenan

"help me or shoot me - make a decision"

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



4078, Detroit Terrorizes Suckas?
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Thu Oct-21-04 09:15 AM
4079, he means 'delete this shit'
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Thu Oct-21-04 09:26 AM
thanx for the support bluetiger...
4080, this post is still goin..wow.
Posted by Ascension, Thu Oct-21-04 09:35 AM
4081, so you're done with it then?
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Thu Oct-21-04 09:42 AM
4082, No...I'm not...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Thu Oct-21-04 10:06 AM
wake up and smell the sarcasm Tone...
4083, just stop man
Posted by Ascension, Thu Oct-21-04 10:08 AM
why is it that serious..you lettin Wally piss you off is not a good look right now
4084, you responding is not a good look either
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Thu Oct-21-04 10:35 AM
i could give a fuck how this looks...

I made my request simple...

this has nothing to do with you EITHER...lean/fall back...
4085, LOL..I hear the real reason your mad
Posted by Ascension, Thu Oct-21-04 11:24 AM
is cause he told everybody that you were 5 foot 1 and 360 lbs..just rumors i been hearin'
4086, and if that bitch ass punk had any REAL heart
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Fri Oct-22-04 08:36 AM
he'd come in here and address that shit instead of havin' his punk ass lackeys who pretend to "ascend" speak for him...

It's funny how his dick is in yo mouth right now - he'll cross you one day too...watch...

oh...and that 5'1" - 360 shit? he can think and spread that shit if he wants to...he lives off of lies...you ain't figured that out yet?
4087, wow. u r truly mad, doggie
Posted by buildingblock, Fri Oct-22-04 08:52 AM

4088, he let a whiteboy (wally) break his heart
Posted by Ascension, Fri Oct-22-04 08:56 AM
there needs to be a support group for crybaby niggas like that.

Broken Pride Crew.
4089, while I'm at it, YOU better be black homey...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Fri Oct-22-04 09:02 AM
>there needs to be a support group for crybaby niggas like that.
4090, for the record i am doggie...u mad?
Posted by Ascension, Fri Oct-22-04 09:07 AM
4091, RE: for the record i am doggie...u mad?
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Fri Oct-22-04 09:15 AM
not anymore...
4092, tREB...at this point you should be rocking
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Fri Oct-22-04 02:21 AM
the flight suit with the banner billowing "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED".

It's already obvious he ain't coming back for whatever you're looking for. Put it in the V column (or W column - pick an analogy) and move on Black man move on.

But I'mma gon head and up this anyway.

"I done said what I had to say...y'all can continue on..." (c) The Infamous

4093, LOL... the nigga needs to take his L and move on.
Posted by Ascension, Fri Oct-22-04 09:01 AM
4094, *pours liquid prozac on post*
Posted by radin, Thu Oct-21-04 09:20 AM

4095, *pours liquid broze-ac on post*
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Thu Oct-21-04 09:42 AM
**pulls out bozack on post**

4096, *takes poast out back & shoots it in the head*
Posted by fire, Thu Oct-21-04 09:39 AM

4097, *runs up to poast in casket screamin*
Posted by buildingblock, Thu Oct-21-04 09:41 AM

4098, "my baby!!!!"
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Thu Oct-21-04 09:43 AM
4099, *in bruce lee overdubbed voice*
Posted by Spread, Thu Oct-21-04 10:12 AM
4100, *sits at home, watching news, looking for poasts death*
Posted by fire, Thu Oct-21-04 10:17 AM
*knowing inside, that it had to happen*
4101, *sees headline about an unnamed post dead*
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Oct-21-04 10:22 AM
*wonders if it's this one*
4102, *cuts out headline of john doe poast*
Posted by fire, Thu Oct-21-04 10:29 AM
*puts it on scramble board with all the other john doe poastes*
4103, *begins to see secret CIA messages in post clippings*
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Oct-21-04 10:30 AM
*follows missions given by mysterious imaginary government agent*
4104, *builds ship landings 4 extraterestrial poasts w/alumi
Posted by fire, Thu Oct-21-04 03:42 PM
*family becomes worried becuz of deep dark involvement in the "movement" of poasts from outer space*
4105, *peeps fiyah killing poast & calls the law*
Posted by eclipsedInI, Thu Oct-21-04 11:13 AM

4106, *HOLY SHIT, 5-0, run motherfuckers*
Posted by Mic_Specialist, Thu Oct-21-04 11:27 AM
*hands fire the heat*
4107, wow, didnt relaize this post was still happenin
Posted by Mic_Specialist, Thu Oct-21-04 10:08 AM
damn, lol
4108, RE: roots sample clearance (water on phren)
Posted by atruhead, Fri Oct-22-04 04:09 AM

4109, I'm gonna end this...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Fri Oct-22-04 08:58 AM
after 11 straight days of waiting on this bitch ass muthafucka to substantiate his "claims" of my "supposed herbness", I'm droppin' this shit.

I just want it to be known by ALL that I am NOT usually a man to pick physical beef over an internet message board - but it gets to that point when you got a muthafucka who's mad because you refuse to be his friend - so he does everything in his power to annoy you:

- come up under EVERY post and reply SPECIFICALLY to you with random bullshit

- IM you from SEVERAL aim names after you've blocked one: kwh313, spikeleerules, sari260

- blame YOU for ruining friendships he MAY have with other people when he does it himself (i ain't namin' names...)

all of this has driven me to FORCE this muthafucka to admit his wrongs and ONCE AND FOR ALL leave me the FUCK alone - but since his silence shows me that he refuses to step forward like a man and do so, I'm wastin' my time keeping this shit up.

Don't reply askin' me why the shit pissed me off - it just DID...that's all you need to know. Don't inbox me askin' me the backstory because I'm tired of telling it...

to Wallychamp - Kyle - know this:

you can KEEP fuckin' with me if you want to past this post...just know that I NEVER EVER forget when somebody wrongs me, and I can make your life a living fucking hell if I wanted to.

Let EVERYBODY convince you that these are just words...

Let everybody convince you that it's okay to keep fuckin' with me...

As of this post, I'll be the bigger man and absolve this whole shit...but if you keep this type of activity up past this post, ANY time I see you, the shit is on.

Underestimate me if you want to...

P.S. - To "The Money Man" - YOUR silence to my previous inquiries has led me to obviously determine your TRUE race...don't EVA refer to me as "nigga" again...YOU ARE WHITE - IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR YOU TO DO SO...I don't give a fuck if these brainwashed cats you hang around make it cool for you to do that shit - IT AIN'T ACCEPTABLE WITH ME...and if I catch you usin' it in a post referrin' to somebody that I PERSONALLY KNOW is black, I'm alertin' them to it...

"Everybody wants to be a nigga, but then nobody wants to be a nigga..." ©Paul Mooney
4110, e-thuggin' at it's finest right here, folks
Posted by buildingblock, Fri Oct-22-04 09:00 AM
the epitome of tough typin'...lol
4111, I learned from the best D'Greg...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Fri Oct-22-04 09:19 AM
is NOW the time where I begin to "leave you what they call 'the fuck alone'"?

I coulda SWORE me and you agreed on somethin' like that...
4112, oh, now you want to leave me alone? lol
Posted by buildingblock, Fri Oct-22-04 09:23 AM
you been stayin' tryin' to be friendly with me in posts and you keep usin' my name like we friends

yeah, i'll leave you alone alright...
4113, I BEEN leavin' you alone...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Fri Oct-22-04 09:46 AM
>you been stayin' tryin' to be friendly with me in posts and
>you keep usin' my name like we friends

and just because you use somebody's name in a post doesn't mean y'all are friends...In the Eddie hazel post, I referenced something you said about the business...that's it - there was no friendship implied...

>yeah, i'll leave you alone alright...

what's that supposed to mean?

for the record, YOU stuck your nose in this beef here in an attempt to annoy ME - thus violating the agreement...

I've tried to keep it...

Tell the truth and shame the devil - you *think* I'm a pudgy bastard that you can whoop, so you've been keepin' this goin'.

I left you alone - NOT JUST because you asked, but because it was the right thing to do - I ALWAYS aim to resolve shit peacefully - ESPECIALLY with people who take my heated musical debates personal (*pointing at you*).

I can't STAND fwmj (for undisclosed reasons), but for me to deny that he does great design work is straight up hate...and as much beef as you have with what I say, you KNOW in your heart that I ain't about hate...I just discuss WHATEVER the fuck is on my mind...

4114, Uh Oh...NET-THUG Treb gettin gully w/ his typestyle
Posted by Ascension, Fri Oct-22-04 09:11 AM
*busts shots at post w/ click of a mouse*
4115, If THIS don't get archived...I'll be damned.
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Fri Oct-22-04 08:01 PM
I ain't NEVA seen no shit like this befo.

4116, Word.
Posted by Ascension, Sat Oct-23-04 02:48 AM
4117, yo, and i told tREBLEFREEE! he ain't never give
Posted by buildingblock, Mon Oct-25-04 08:49 PM
me MY props on that!

4118, and YOU ain't give ME props for putting that Jigga up
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Sat Oct-30-04 05:24 PM
is that your way of getting even?

THIS IS HITSVILLE U.S.A. - MOTOR CITY, MICHIGAN....motownnnnnnnnnnn....
4119, wow...
Posted by h20molecule, Tue Oct-26-04 05:09 PM
i missed this whole thing. i have been to busy leading a life and all. i will say add this since someone upped this post today. i met greg (treblefree) once a long time ago and he didn't really seem to be easily angered. seemed to be a kind hearted fellow that REALLY loves hip hop...rare in LA because to act like you love hip hop for the art and not because it makes you money or gets you pussy is grounds for getting called a herb right there. anybody that does not like greg is probably a little insecure or something because i swear i cannot see this guy getting as angry as the vitriol i read today suggests he is. i guess he cares about this site and his presence here that much. if more people did and didn't think it was cool to lurk out on the internet and just say dumb shit about people 24/7 than this site would be a lot better.

as for his herbness. i only met him once and first impressions can be misleading, somaybe greg is a herb ...but what exactly is an herb. its someone we make fun of because he is essentially happy with what god grants him instead of feeling like he ain't getting his fair share. the last time i checked a herb is someone who is a little to trusting and a little too sincere given the crowd he runs with. i don't think that is actually such a bad thing.

live well my man...and always remember to strike it how you like it.

if hip hop ever dies...it will be the day that all of us who fell in love with a new sound that was like nothing we ever heard before stop wanting to be challenged. the day those of us who nurtured it and kept being amazed as it grew and changed and redefined itself, turn our backs on it like a confused and unruly teenager, morning for that sweet little simple child that has long since grown up...it will be the day we make a bunch of unbreakable rules and accept it all as orthodox hip hop cannon, and the next musical form will have to born of a rebellion against all you reactionaries who wouldn't let it grow and change because your "love" was really obsession and and you held on so tight that you choked her. it will be the day that young kids don't want to hear about hip hop anymore because they still listen with their hearts...in reality hip hop won't really be dead anyway, she will just have to undergo another name change like she always has...word to miles and dizzy. - kacy wilson
4120, I don't wanna up this post, but I gotta respond...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Tue Oct-26-04 06:47 PM
>anybody that does not like greg is probably a little
>insecure or something because i swear i cannot see
>this guy getting as angry as the vitriol i read today
>suggests he is. i guess he cares about this site and
>his presence here that much. if more people
>did and didn't think it was cool to lurk out on the internet
>and just say dumb shit about people 24/7 than this site
>would be a lot better.


The fact is man, I pride myself on postin' like I talk.

The ONLY fault I admit to is having STRONG opinions - and even THEN, through discussion if somebody is able to help me see a different side, I may change my mind...

I ain't wit all that "lemme get niggas mad because I'm bored" type of bullshit, and all the shit Wallychamp was accusing me of really upset me because that shit ain't even in my character.

Cats like to believe what others tell them, and I HATE lies man. I really do. It ain't about being a crybaby about it - if somebody was runnin' around spreadin' lies and bullshit about you, you'd want it to stop as well...ESPECIALLY if cats started believing it...

But yeah anyways, good lookin' out h20, i appreciate the support...
4121, nigga..go outside.
Posted by Ascension, Tue Nov-02-04 09:40 AM
"I post like how i talk"..the fuck outta here w/ that nonsense..crybaby ho.
4122, Get off my dick...Wally Jr.
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Tue Nov-02-04 10:10 AM
If it's TRUE nonsense to you, YOU wouldn't respond further...now would you?
4123, Ol' fake ass Donnel from Road Rules type nigga
Posted by Ascension, Tue Nov-02-04 10:26 AM
i bet you gettin all mad shakin ya man titties up and down..fall back cousin..you DONT want to start shit you cant finish.
4124, RE: Ol' fake ass Donnel from Road Rules type nigga
Posted by wallychamp, Tue Nov-02-04 07:35 PM
>i bet you gettin all mad shakin ya man titties up and
>down..fall back cousin..you DONT want to start shit you cant


the first time i saw that fat ass crybaby on road rules, i actually pictured treblefree looking like that, i shit you NOT.
4125, shit,this post is still here?
Posted by Key, Thu Oct-28-04 06:48 AM
4126, Yeah, it is.
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Sat Oct-30-04 05:13 PM
You mean that if I respond to this question, this ENTIRE post will be ressurected from page 10? Hmmm. Funny how that works...

Hey...HE asked!!

THIS IS HITSVILLE U.S.A. - MOTOR CITY, MICHIGAN....motownnnnnnnnnnn....
Posted by icecold3000, Sat Oct-30-04 05:19 PM
4128, I gotta do it back from Page 10
Posted by radin, Tue Nov-02-04 06:32 AM

4129, this post is like roaches....
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Tue Nov-02-04 06:42 AM
4130, its way to entertaining to let die
Posted by radin, Tue Nov-02-04 07:11 AM

4131, why is this not archieved
Posted by Menphyel7, Tue Nov-02-04 10:21 AM
this is the funniest post on okp I ever seen.
4132, Prolly cause we won't let it go...
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Wed Nov-03-04 04:46 AM
This DEFINITELY should be archived.

THIS IS HITSVILLE U.S.A. - MOTOR CITY, MICHIGAN....motownnnnnnnnnnn....