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Topic subjectsure there were differences...but it was the same style of music
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=150156&mesg_id=150242
150242, sure there were differences...but it was the same style of music
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Sun Jun-26-11 09:04 PM
part of an evolution in music....in soul music, R&B or whatever you'd like to call it...

musical styles or so-called sub-genres are not made in a vaccum.

Pretending like they do and then throwing some fictional story around it and toss in some revisionist history...again...tells an interesting story...but not a factual one.

So called Neo-Soul evolved from musical movements leading up to it...they had various names....tags....fads.....whatever...but when you really look at it, its all variaions of the same music really.