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Topic subjectJay-z can't believe "big pimpin's" lyrics
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147414, Jay-z can't believe "big pimpin's" lyrics
Posted by Dupree90, Sat Feb-05-11 07:51 PM
147415, Deleted message
Posted by david bammer, Sat Oct-23-10 10:49 AM
No message
147416, Deleted message
Posted by unohoo, Sat Oct-23-10 02:31 PM
No message
147417, is it cos he's pretending to be straight?
Posted by Reuben, Sat Oct-23-10 10:57 AM
147418, sounds Tom-ish to me
Posted by smooth va, Sat Oct-23-10 12:19 PM
147419, actually its the exact OPPOSITE of Tom-ish
Posted by Justin_Maldonado_7, Sat Oct-23-10 10:19 PM

147420, changing his tune now that he runs with a white crowd isn't tom-ish?
Posted by howisya, Sun Oct-24-10 08:41 AM
147421, yeah! black people should spite whitey by never reconsidering their opinions!
Posted by illeffeqt, Sun Oct-24-10 11:49 AM
you're a fucking retard.
147422, lmao. social responsibility is so lame!
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Sun Oct-24-10 03:55 PM
147423, lol at jigga trying to be socially responsible
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Oct-23-10 12:56 PM
147424, you know
Posted by k_orr, Sat Oct-23-10 01:28 PM
cleaning up his image for WSJ and Forbes, fuck outta here
147425, a pimp in EVERY sense of the word...
Posted by steg1, Sat Oct-23-10 01:34 PM
you know?
147426, i'm surprised that it's taken this long, actually.
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Sat Oct-23-10 03:34 PM
147427, Jigga man you're rich
Posted by Amritsar, Sat Oct-23-10 02:18 PM
take the doo rag off" - some bourgie broad
147428, lol i thought about that line too
Posted by ImPerfectNick, Sun Oct-24-10 10:41 PM
147429, did he finally realize that he said heart colded assassin? n/m.
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Sat Oct-23-10 03:36 PM
147430, pretty sure that was "heart cold as assassin's"
Posted by illeffeqt, Sat Oct-23-10 04:12 PM
147431, that makes sense. lol.
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Sat Oct-23-10 04:13 PM
unfortunately, that's not what i'd been hearing all these years.

now excuse me while i kiss this guy.

147432, lol
Posted by illeffeqt, Sun Oct-24-10 11:50 AM
147433, lmao
Posted by NefariousProd, Sun Oct-24-10 06:40 PM
147434, AHAHAHA!
Posted by liger_trainer, Mon Oct-25-10 07:56 AM
I knew some people who would say it like that knowing it was wrong, but oh so funny.
147435, lmao, well played
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-25-10 02:53 PM
>unfortunately, that's not what i'd been hearing all these
>now excuse me while i kiss this guy.
147436, Hardco' to the sad sense?
Posted by ImPerfectNick, Sun Oct-24-10 10:40 PM
147437, RE: did he finally realize that he said heart colded assassin? n/m.
Posted by tappenzee, Mon Oct-25-10 12:47 PM
"They don't want to see you on top, two eagles' testicles!"
147438, http://i41.tinypic.com/14kgvpk.jpg
Posted by Challenger, Mon Oct-25-10 01:13 PM

147439, abused as a child, scared to smile.. they called him ugly?
Posted by Apollo Kid, Sat Oct-23-10 04:28 PM
147440, Jiggaman, yo tits, put that shirt back on
Posted by ImPerfectNick, Sun Oct-24-10 10:47 PM
147441, this book will be a giant waste of time if
Posted by e_money, Sat Oct-23-10 04:44 PM
he doesnt talk about You Must Love Me
147442, i have always defended jay-z's right to "move on up"
Posted by dafriquan, Sat Oct-23-10 05:24 PM
it was clear it meant alot to him to hang out with moneyed white people and it gave him joy when they referred to him as their "friend". nothing wrong with a kid from the projects wanting to be accepted by a world that he had only seen from the outside.

but this right here crosses the line.

"what kind of an animal would do that?"
this sounds like something that would be said from the point of view of his "friends" parents or even grandparents if they were alive. which is alarmingly pathetic. he is deeply embarrassed of himself now that he has to look at himself from a conservative viewpoint.

it has nothing to do with growing up. he is over-reacting. it's like he wants so badly to be somebody new but he feels burdened by 10 years of recorded music that paint him as somebody else.

does it ever occur to him that who he was is what got him to where he is. he wants to be seen as a business man for owning minority stakes in other people's projects but his biggest source of success is still being a rapper. as much as he wants us to think he is bigger than rap.

147443, AMEN !!!!
Posted by jp, Sat Oct-23-10 05:38 PM
couldn't have said it better.
147444, or anyone w/ a conscious n/m
Posted by e_money, Sat Oct-23-10 06:36 PM
>but this right here crosses the line.
>"what kind of an animal would do that?"
>this sounds like something that would be said from the point
>of view of his "friends" parents or even grandparents if they
>were alive.
147445, right?
Posted by bluetiger, Sat Oct-23-10 10:02 PM
he should have taken the Eminem route and just said (paraphrasing): "my lyrics are a part of the character I use for my art and those lyrics are meant to be artistic expression; they don't always represent me or my life personally. then that would be that."
147446, you're wrong and that's corny as shit:
Posted by Tiger Woods, Sat Oct-23-10 10:11 PM
>he should have taken the Eminem route and just said
>(paraphrasing): "my lyrics are a part of the character I use
>for my art and those lyrics are meant to be artistic
>expression; they don't always represent me or my life
>personally. then that would be that."
147447, Em's wrong & corny or Jay or both?
Posted by bluetiger, Sun Oct-24-10 10:39 PM
That's what basically what Em said in his last major outlet interview.
The lamest part is that for some reason, some people think the artist IS his art. They are entirely separable as they should be.
147448, not in a genre that prides itself on "keeping it real"
Posted by Tiger Woods, Mon Oct-25-10 07:54 AM
to cop out and say "it's a character" is stupid. Maybe Slim Shady is a character, but they're pitching this awful recovery album as him finally getting clean and dropping gimmicks.
147449, That's on you, if you ever believed that
Posted by dalecooper, Wed Oct-27-10 08:56 AM
"Keeping it real" is about the last fucking thing most hip hop does. They're selling an image and telling stories that are at best enormous exaggerations of anything real. In many cases it's pure fiction.
147450, RE: That's on you, if you ever believed that
Posted by gumz, Wed Oct-27-10 09:19 AM
right, but if you're selling an image you're not supposed to tell people thats what you're doing...magicians aint supposed to reveal their tricks.
147451, most people grow out of magic when they become adults
Posted by tappenzee, Wed Oct-27-10 10:04 AM
Some of us just want well-written songs, even if we know the process behind them.
147452, word. is like he's apologising for entertaining us...lol
Posted by dafriquan, Sat Oct-23-10 10:25 PM
so are we all "animals" for rapping and dancing along to big pimping?
147453, word dog. word.
Posted by Tiger Woods, Sat Oct-23-10 10:26 PM
147454, Ohhh so that's what this is about. Yall feel attacked.
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Sun Oct-24-10 04:08 PM
>so are we all "animals" for rapping and dancing along to big
147455, no.
Posted by bluetiger, Sun Oct-24-10 10:42 PM
it's that we expect him to be smarter than this.

he is not his art. no one is asking him to be. that he's apologizing for his artistic output and conflating himself with the actual art is the problem.
147456, That's yalls fault though
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Mon Oct-25-10 12:45 AM
>he is not his art. no one is asking him to be. that he's
>apologizing for his artistic output and conflating himself
>with the actual art is the problem.

You're expecting him to separate himself from the art but what he's
saying is that he isn't separate from his art. If the nigga is telling
you that he IS his art then how you tell him he isn't?
He's telling you this shit is first person accounts for him.
Plus you don't speak for everybody and some people DO expect the nigga
to BE what he's saying he is on record.
147457, jesus fkn christ.
Posted by bluetiger, Mon Oct-25-10 03:47 AM
who exactly expects Jay-Z (or any rapper for that matter) to be a murdering drug dealer/pimp (to use an example)? you? seriously?

in a similar manner, do you expect Gene Simmons to be a kabuki-paint wearing demon aka god of thunder that really spits blood & fire instead of a business-savvy businessman?

do you think Harvey Keitel really is the Bad Lieutenant too?

I hope you realize you are making a ridiculous leap of logic there.
if you don't, then there is no point in having any more discussion with you.
147458, I've had too many discussion with young folks who do
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Mon Oct-25-10 01:36 PM
>who exactly expects Jay-Z (or any rapper for that matter) to
>be a murdering drug dealer/pimp (to use an example)? you?

No. Not me. I said some people do.

>in a similar manner, do you expect Gene Simmons to be a
>kabuki-paint wearing demon aka god of thunder that really
>spits blood & fire instead of a business-savvy businessman?
>do you think Harvey Keitel really is the Bad Lieutenant too?

*Sigh* Here we go again. Rap is unique in that way because a large
percentage of its artists speak actual shit. The "keep it real"
movement or whatever you want to call it. NWA were some of the first
to be on this. And YOU are crazy if you think rap isn't unique in
that way. Why do you think Rick Ross being "exposed" is even a topic
of discussion. Why do you think people get called out for rapping
shit that they ain't about? Does this happen in rock? It doesn't
happen to actors because they're fucking actors.

>I hope you realize you are making a ridiculous leap of logic

I hope you realize that comparing rap to rock and movies is silly.
147459, The changing standards in hip-hop isn't discussed enough...
Posted by Marbles, Mon Oct-25-10 03:01 PM

>*Sigh* Here we go again. Rap is unique in that way because a
>percentage of its artists speak actual shit. The "keep it
>movement or whatever you want to call it.

I think this used to be a regular practice in hip-hop. But standards started changing and cats began representing themselves as something they really weren't. And with the changing demographics of the hip-hop audience, that practice has become more and more accepted.

Sucka MCs & fake MCs used to be easy targets. That's not the case anymore. Now, MCs can rap about whatever they want, however they want as long as it sounds good or moves units.
147460, That's true. The standards are changing now.
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Mon Oct-25-10 05:17 PM
But of course Jay ain't from this new school of rap. Hence him being
disgusted by his lyrics and looking at this whole situation the way he

Let's not forget that he's the guy who's said on more than one occasion
that he LIVED it and that all his shit is real talk. He's the cat who
accused Nas of creating his life in his notepad. If "it's all just
entertainment" none of that would even matter to Jay.

> I think this used to be a regular practice in hip-hop. But
>standards started changing and cats began representing
>themselves as something they really weren't. And with the
>changing demographics of the hip-hop audience, that practice
>has become more and more accepted.
> Sucka MCs & fake MCs used to be easy targets. That's not the
>case anymore. Now, MCs can rap about whatever they want,
>however they want as long as it sounds good or moves units.
147461, DING!
Posted by Alan_PoEpery_fresh, Wed Oct-27-10 10:33 PM
I think she has Checkmate...
147462, ...and Ice Cube was a hardened thug from the streets (sarcasm).
Posted by bluetiger, Tue Oct-26-10 12:48 AM
the lack of logic displayed by your points is baffling.
147463, Still people been called out for being "fake" and rapping shit
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Tue Oct-26-10 02:52 AM
they don't actually live. The way you're ignoring that point is what's
baffling. You can ignore the "keep it real" factor if you like.
147464, k.
Posted by bluetiger, Tue Oct-26-10 02:06 PM
I'll ignore you keeping it wrong.
147465, RE: k.
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Tue Oct-26-10 03:34 PM
Call it what you want. It's still denial.
147466, That would be bad for his image....
Posted by BLACK_ADAM, Mon Oct-25-10 01:40 PM
>he should have taken the Eminem route and just said
>(paraphrasing): "my lyrics are a part of the character I use
>for my art and those lyrics are meant to be artistic
>expression; they don't always represent me or my life
>personally. then that would be that."

^^^He would then be admitting that he isn't nor has ever been the very real "real live dude" that he has built his following upon..

He does not want to lose "the streets"

I think he's saying these things (animal reference) to prompt his new friends (...and fans by extension) to look further into his life (at some point)...

...when he of course will be comfortable enough to "disclose" certain aspects "safely"....

Dude is trying real hard to build a mystique that will pay forward in his new social circles.

He's trying to have his movie made.

"Inspectah Deck, he's like...he's like that dude thatta sit back and watch you play yourself and all that right? And see you sit there and know you lyin; and he'll take you to court after that, cuz he the Inspectah."
147467, He's having a Stringer Bell moment.
Posted by FireBrand, Sat Oct-23-10 10:58 PM
147468, lol...well that was Stringer's eventual downfall.
Posted by dafriquan, Sat Oct-23-10 11:27 PM
1:44 "What I tell you about playing them fucking away games?"
147469, Basically. Also. Did you know you can youtube link
Posted by FireBrand, Sat Oct-23-10 11:50 PM
to the precise minute and second. It's possible to do right on Youtube. No need for a third party.

Hashtage T for time = ____m for minutes ___ for seconds


just at that to the end of the video url. Here's what you'll get:


And it'll take you str8 there.
147470, Thanks for the youtube hint
Posted by dafriquan, Sun Oct-24-10 12:05 AM
I did not know how to do that directly
147471, well, damn. thx. n/m.
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Sun Oct-24-10 03:26 PM
147472, RE: Jay-z can't believe "big pimpin's" lyrics
Posted by c71, Sat Oct-23-10 07:45 PM
147473, "Hah-Ha" (c) Jay-Z
Posted by micMajestic, Sat Oct-23-10 09:36 PM

One of the few songs where I enjoyed Rampage's verses.
147474, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by thebadnegro, Mon Oct-25-10 10:14 AM
147475, postjack: that might be my favorite Busta song ever
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-25-10 02:56 PM
147476, typical
Posted by beatnik, Sat Oct-23-10 09:57 PM
dude looks back on a misogynist, chauvinistic verse and expresses regret for bring so negative, and people on a mssg board still find a way to put the man down, amazing.
147477, Right? WTF is wrong with people?
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Sun Oct-24-10 04:02 PM
>dude looks back on a misogynist, chauvinistic verse and
>expresses regret for bring so negative, and people on a mssg
>board still find a way to put the man down, amazing.
147478, so appalled.
Posted by lakai336, Sat Oct-23-10 10:04 PM
nah really couldn't give a fuck less, it's a bullshit power move, think he won't whip out the usual on his next album? I heavily doubt the next one's going to be clean. I don't care if Jay continues to infiltrate the corporate world, as long as the music stays fresh (which BP3, and all the guest features he's done lately proves), I don't care what he does off the mic.
147479, he said "gee, maybe when I was younger I was a little crass"
Posted by Tiger Woods, Sat Oct-23-10 10:04 PM
and you guys are calling him an uncle tom.

faggot ass haters living in grandma's basement
147480, The nigga was like 30. FOH.
Posted by FireBrand, Sat Oct-23-10 11:06 PM
We live in a crass culture.
147481, Yup.
Posted by thebadnegro, Mon Oct-25-10 10:19 AM
147482, an 30 means you know it all and are a complete adult?
Posted by Mr Church Hill, Tue Oct-26-10 11:46 AM
jus saying
147483, yes, you are supposed to be "a complete adult" by 30
Posted by howisya, Tue Oct-26-10 12:21 PM
trust fund babies may get passes in their lives, but those passes shouldn't extend to someone from marcy projects

when jay was 30 rapping this song, i knew it was morally reprehensible and misogynistic garbage at 17... it doesn't mean it has no place in art or a person is an "animal" for expressing these views
147484, Good for him
Posted by TomWaitsInOkkervil, Sat Oct-23-10 10:46 PM
It's easy to be cynical about his reasons for saying this, but the man is married now, so just maybe he does look back and shake his head a little.
Posted by Tiger Woods, Sat Oct-23-10 11:15 PM
147486, Word.
Posted by FireBrand, Sat Oct-23-10 11:57 PM
Because he is.
147487, What you are saying isn't what he said. He's completely denouncing
Posted by micMajestic, Sun Oct-24-10 11:18 AM
>It's easy to be cynical about his reasons for saying this,
>but the man is married now, so just maybe he does look back
>and shake his head a little.

those types of sentiments. He isn't just criticizing himself, he's implying that that type of attitude/perspective has no place in work of art. And that is total bullshit.

Your hustle might get you knocked, why would I knock your hustle?
147488, in a few words, you said it better than i did n/m
Posted by dafriquan, Sun Oct-24-10 05:20 PM
> He isn't just criticizing himself,
>he's implying that that type of attitude/perspective has no
>place in work of art. And that is total bullshit.
147489, In short(er):
Posted by BLACK_ADAM, Mon Oct-25-10 01:48 PM
No one else should get to eat off these animalistic references (Jay's HATING!!!!)

"Inspectah Deck, he's like...he's like that dude thatta sit back and watch you play yourself and all that right? And see you sit there and know you lyin; and he'll take you to court after that, cuz he the Inspectah."
147490, It's worth denouncing as an attitude
Posted by TomWaitsInOkkervil, Sun Oct-24-10 06:20 PM
I don't see that as being the same as saying it doesn't have any place in art. I didn't read that in to what he said.
147491, Nah you're just reading it wrong.
Posted by micMajestic, Sun Oct-24-10 11:36 PM
>I don't see that as being the same as saying it doesn't have
>any place in art. I didn't read that in to what he said.

Please tell me what Jay-Z is referencing in the following sentence.
"What kind of animal would say this sort of thing?"

Your hustle might get you knocked, why would I knock your hustle?
147492, Disappointment with himself for the inhumane attitude toward women
Posted by TomWaitsInOkkervil, Mon Oct-25-10 12:06 AM
That he projected in some of his songs
147493, That's assuming that Jay-Z says as Sean Carter feels.
Posted by micMajestic, Tue Oct-26-10 10:04 AM
>That he projected in some of his songs

That's also assuming that rap artists stands wholeheartedly behind their rap persona. I'm not making any assumptions, he called himself an animal for rapping those lyrics.

Your hustle might get you knocked, why would I knock your hustle?
147494, These are his words, not me making assumptions
Posted by TomWaitsInOkkervil, Wed Oct-27-10 08:46 PM
I don't assume to know him, or how he views himself as a person in relation to himself as an artist, I'm just interpreting this specific statement, and it doesn't seem very ambiguous to me.
147495, Who the fuck doesn't mature and age at some point?
Posted by cidolfas, Sun Oct-24-10 12:22 AM
If he didn't look back on some of his lyrics with a level of apprehension there would be much SMH'ing at his inability to grow.

147496, i here you but the nigga was 29 or 30 when that shit came out
Posted by ATLiens79, Sun Oct-24-10 11:46 AM
147497, RE: i here you but the nigga was 29 or 30 when that shit came out
Posted by tappenzee, Mon Oct-25-10 01:02 PM
you not allowed to grow up after 30?
147498, what part of ANIMAL are you not reading?
Posted by k_orr, Sun Oct-24-10 12:56 PM
147499, Good point, I agree with you there.
Posted by cidolfas, Mon Oct-25-10 12:15 PM
147500, GTFOH
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Oct-24-10 03:08 PM
>If he didn't look back on some of his lyrics with a level of
>apprehension there would be much SMH'ing at his inability to
147501, Lay Z wrote that mess and it is all him
Posted by , Sun Oct-24-10 12:22 AM
like suddenly that turkey is hanging out with rich White folks and now he thinks he is all Bryant Gumbel and whatnot? Lay Z still is a One note turkey and he outta claim that Hit song, since that is the last time his corny self had any edge.

Lay Z since 03 done become a Kenny G of Rap. a One note Johnny.
147502, This makes me even more frustrated that BP3 was so lackluster lyrically
Posted by Stadium Status, Sun Oct-24-10 10:15 AM
If Jay is a "changed man" or whatever, then I want to see him put out a product that shows it.
147503, RE: This makes me even more frustrated that BP3 was so lackluster lyrically
Posted by gumz, Mon Oct-25-10 07:39 AM
thats what i was thinking...he's on some do as i say not as i do -ish on here.
147504, ^^^talkin bout fiction, not talkin bout fact
Posted by atruhead, Mon Oct-25-10 07:51 AM
147505, lol i wonder what YOU have to think about all this ...
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Oct-25-10 07:57 AM
spin away H spin away!!
147506, it was? he rapped his ass off on that one, i thought
Posted by Mgmt, Mon Oct-25-10 10:45 AM
147507, he did, if Timbaland never showed up, that's a great album
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-25-10 02:58 PM
147508, He didn't say a single interesting thing on the whole album.
Posted by Stadium Status, Tue Oct-26-10 12:53 PM
Matter of fact, it's probably his worst solo album ever in hindsight.
147509, shit, i can't believe them lyrics neither...they always rang hollow to me
Posted by buildingblock, Sun Oct-24-10 03:29 PM
just some braggadocio boasts
at the time
147510, most of you are fucking idiots
Posted by drmindriot, Sun Oct-24-10 04:05 PM
as if a person cannot grow and look on his past with some shame

i bet all of your pasts are sparkling and you have never said anything stupid.

147511, you can probably *really* relate to this
Posted by imcvspl, Sun Oct-24-10 04:16 PM
>as if a person cannot grow and look on his past with some
>i bet all of your pasts are sparkling and you have never said
>anything stupid.

Big PEMFin H & z's

Machine Hype - http://machinehype.tumblr.com/
Music Beef Done Right - http://www.xlr8r.com/news/2010/10/listen-red-bulls-culture-clash-g
147512, basically.
Posted by drmindriot, Mon Oct-25-10 03:19 PM
147513, RE: most of you are fucking idiots
Posted by Dupree90, Sun Oct-24-10 04:43 PM
When I posted this, I thought the convo would go like this.
147514, ^ More 'Empire State of Mind' than 'Where I'm From'
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Oct-24-10 05:31 PM
>as if a person cannot grow and look on his past with some
>i bet all of your pasts are sparkling and you have never said
>anything stupid.
147515, RE: ^ More 'Empire State of Mind' than 'Where I'm From'
Posted by Dupree90, Sun Oct-24-10 09:40 PM
147516, Do I need to make a wiki page for u to get it?
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Oct-24-10 11:28 PM

147517, RE: Do I need to make a wiki page for u to get it?
Posted by Dupree90, Tue Oct-26-10 06:01 PM
nah fam, I'm actualy neither one.
147518, oh wait, you thought i was replying to you, in my reply to Bartek? smh
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Oct-28-10 08:17 AM
147519, don't give Jay a pass because he was 30 and making songs for teens
Posted by ATLiens79, Sun Oct-24-10 05:40 PM
Jay remained niggerish well into his 30's. nigga sound like Chris Martin in this interview. "i can't believe my friend made these songs."
147520, Folks need to really check that Interview he did w/ Bill Maher
Posted by BLACK_ADAM, Mon Oct-25-10 02:05 PM
That shit was disgusting.

He makes a point to omit how many artists and emcees shoulders he's standing on.

He has no problem soaking up all this praise from his non urban audiences without putting the kulture (and how he benefited)into proper context.

He is citing and setting himself up as *the* authority and architect of HipHop to an audience that does not understand the pain and misfortune that birthed it and don't know any better.

There is a difference between being a Hip Hoppa (per KRS ONE) and an emcee versus being a rapper who benefits from the wholesale (some would say theft) of a *piece* of Hip Hop Kulture.

Son is straight up violating.

"Inspectah Deck, he's like...he's like that dude thatta sit back and watch you play yourself and all that right? And see you sit there and know you lyin; and he'll take you to court after that, cuz he the Inspectah."
147521, It needs a subject line: JAY-Z WAS *30* CIRCA BIG PIMPIN.
Posted by 4D, Sun Oct-24-10 04:47 PM
he is full of shit.
147522, Horrible precedent.
Posted by BigReg, Sun Oct-24-10 05:04 PM
Like everyone said before; Grow up by all means, but don't disavow.

lol@animal. Jay-Z sounding a little too Tribeca there.
147523, haha
Posted by dafriquan, Sun Oct-24-10 05:18 PM
> Jay-Z sounding a little too Tribeca there.
147524, Big Pimpin >>> Empire State of Mind
Posted by imcvspl, Sun Oct-24-10 05:07 PM
I'd say his last three albums actually but I digress.
Big PEMFin H & z's

Machine Hype - http://machinehype.tumblr.com/
Music Beef Done Right - http://www.xlr8r.com/news/2010/10/listen-red-bulls-culture-clash-g
147525, He expressed regret on the very next single released after Big Pimpin
Posted by Chanson, Sun Oct-24-10 05:44 PM
sans "animal" comment of course.

Hey Papi (Alternate Version) (feat. Amil):


Ay yo, I got a resolution... this year I'm playing right
No 6:15 this year, you can stay the night
We can go bowling, it ain't like before
Can't y'all see that I'm growing? I was so immature
I was young and having money
Having honeys come to the crib
Dig in they shit, and they couldn't get cab money from me
Some bad chicks didn't get past the bridge
I went to One Trump Plaza on their ass-es-es'
No room service just snacks and shit
Work with those Lil' Debbies and when your done get ready
The chicks I was fiendin' to smash
Let 'em lean on the cash, take 'em on long trips
Break 'em with long dick
There was no such thing as strong relationships
But I'm off that playa shit
I need a chick that practice Tai Chi... that still can buy weed
And can give me some good head, and I'll make her a mami
You hear me?
147526, lmao @ your avi
Posted by 3d1gg4, Sun Oct-24-10 06:27 PM
what the hell is that this time ?

+++last man standing takes a seat+++
147527, Jay's always said whatever his target audience wants to hear
Posted by KangolLove, Sun Oct-24-10 06:29 PM
One would expect a Forbes business to express regret at his actions at the young age of 30.

Don't worry. His next album will still be full of boasts about his former life as a drug kingpin.
147528, Yeah, Im too lazy to search
Posted by BigReg, Sun Oct-24-10 06:57 PM
But Im pretty sure Jay-Z has recently threatened to murder at least one person on wax recently, even if its the metaphoric 'I only mean on wax' type sense.
147529, He said when READ on paper they sound crazy QUOTE
Posted by ImPerfectNick, Sun Oct-24-10 10:56 PM
Picture Jay in his laid back posture saying this in the manner in which he typically speaks in interviews. Now tell me if you think he meant I DENOUNCE ALL MY PAST LYRICAL TRANSGRESSIONS AND PROFESS TO A LIFE OF 2000s ERA CONSCIENCE PSEUDO POLITICAL WHITE ACCEPTED ANTHEMS?

"WSJ: You're famous for not writing your lyrics down as you compose them. What changes about them when you see them on the page like this?

Jay-Z: Some become really profound when you see them in writing. Not "Big Pimpin." That's THE exception. It was like, I can't believe I said that. And kept saying it. What kind of animal would say this sort of thing? Reading it is really harsh."
147530, ^^^^^
Posted by cheesecake, Tue Oct-26-10 02:47 AM
Lol at almost EVERYBODY in here misinterpreting what he said.

>Picture Jay in his laid back posture saying this in the
>manner in which he typically speaks in interviews. Now tell me
>if you think he meant I DENOUNCE ALL MY PAST LYRICAL
>"WSJ: You're famous for not writing your lyrics down as you
>compose them. What changes about them when you see them on the
>page like this?
>Jay-Z: Some become really profound when you see them
>in writing. Not "Big Pimpin." That's THE exception. It was
>like, I can't believe I said that. And kept saying it. What
>kind of animal would say this sort of thing? Reading it is
>really harsh."
147531, He said when READ on paper they sound crazy QUOTE
Posted by A Sizzle, Wed Oct-27-10 12:52 PM
147532, I stopped at "Love... Even NWA... was about love..."
Posted by thebadnegro, Mon Oct-25-10 10:00 AM
foh Jay.
147533, if there was still such a thing as selling out, this guy would be guilty
Posted by Mgmt, Mon Oct-25-10 10:25 AM
THat said, I'm a fan. He's right about those lyrics, though.
147534, Always like UGK's verses better anyways...
Posted by Crash85, Mon Oct-25-10 11:32 AM
But why are people mad?? You aint never done some shit or said some shit and looked back on it and said, "Damn, wish I hadn't said that..." Well, unlike you, Jay recorded his shit and sold it to the masses... If he don't like what he said, then he don't like it... Don't mean that you can't still like it...
147535, all day (re: Bun and Pimp's verses> )
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Oct-25-10 11:40 AM
>But why are people mad?? You aint never done some shit or
>said some shit and looked back on it and said, "Damn, wish I
>hadn't said that..." Well, unlike you, Jay recorded his shit
>and sold it to the masses... If he don't like what he said,
>then he don't like it... Don't mean that you can't still like
147536, What's wrong with that people ?
Posted by Coco la chapelle, Mon Oct-25-10 11:53 AM
You never feel ashamed about something you've said / done before ? The man changed, I don't see where the problem is ... really
147537, Spectating placeholder...
Posted by Marbles, Mon Oct-25-10 12:04 PM
147538, This is no different from DOA or saying he wants to be like Kweli
Posted by javi222, Mon Oct-25-10 01:14 PM
like somebody else above said, Jay does/say what will appeal to his target audience...
147539, RE: This is no different from DOA or saying he wants to be like Kweli
Posted by The Analyst, Tue Oct-26-10 12:31 AM
How does saying he wants to be like Kweli appeal to his core audience, many of whom don't know who the fuck Kweli is?
147540, No need in making sense in this post fam.
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Tue Oct-26-10 12:38 AM
It's obvious that the love of ignorance is strong in here.

>How does saying he wants to be like Kweli appeal to his core
>audience, many of whom don't know who the fuck Kweli is?
147541, RE: This is no different from DOA or saying he wants to be like Kweli
Posted by javi222, Tue Oct-26-10 07:49 AM
I meant the target audience he had in mind while spitting that line... all those plp calling him a shallow rapper..

why else would he make excuses about his music and say he wants to be like Kweli, Common etc.

which is no different than what he is doing now

147542, Read em n' weap ya wild hunnid animals
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Oct-25-10 01:45 PM
You know I thug 'em, fuck 'em, love 'em, leave 'em
Cause I don't fuckin' need 'em
Take 'em out the hood
Keep 'em looking good
But I don't fuckin' feed em
First time they fuss I'm breezin'
Talking 'bout what's the reasons
I'm a pimp in every sense of the word, bitch
Better trust and believe 'em
In a cut where I keep 'em
'Til I need a nut
'Til I need to be (in) the guts
The it's beep-beep and I'm pickin 'em up
Let 'em play with the dick in the truck
Many chicks wanna put Jigga fist incuffs
Divorce him and split his bucks
Just because you got good head
I'mma break bread
So you can be livin' it up
Shit I part's wit nothin
Y'all be frontin'
Me give my heart to a woman
Not for nothin' never happen'
I'll be forever mackin'
Heart cold as assassins, I got no passion
I got no patience and I hate waitin'
Hoe get your ass in
Big PEMFin H & z's

Machine Hype - http://machinehype.tumblr.com/
Music Beef Done Right - http://www.xlr8r.com/news/2010/10/listen-red-bulls-culture-clash-g
147543, Now why would he be ashamed of that....
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Mon Oct-25-10 01:51 PM
147544, RE: Now why would he be ashamed of that....
Posted by gumz, Mon Oct-25-10 02:11 PM
word...wouldnt think twice about seeing those words in huge letters on the floor of a fancy hotel lol
147545, or inside a valentine card perhaps
Posted by dafriquan, Mon Oct-25-10 02:21 PM
he's on a song called Big Pimpin with a rapper named Pimp C.
I expect Pimp talk and anything less would be uncivilised...lol
147546, -perfectly stated
Posted by Mr Church Hill, Tue Oct-26-10 11:51 AM
147547, 15 years in, Jay still moving the mad meter in here
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-25-10 03:06 PM
it really isn't a bigger deal than Pete Townsend disavowing 'hope I die before I get old' but because of racial double-standards it will be portrayed as such by some.

But I guess folks would rather their favorite rappers not evolve past the type of mentality that led to them saying 'no matter how much loot I get I'm staying in the projects, forever' then ending up in the prison system long after financially achieving the freedom to live in a nice home.
147548, sounds like the power of the P...
Posted by muted, Mon Oct-25-10 03:25 PM
or should I say B in this case..
147549, it's just uneasy..like..with..the....just...it's hard...very vulgar.
Posted by V3rb, Mon Oct-25-10 06:06 PM
147550, lmao
Posted by gumz, Tue Oct-26-10 09:56 AM
147551, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffDDbEJAEIg
Posted by cidolfas, Wed Oct-27-10 08:23 PM
147552, this is in direct response to beys interaction w GEMS
Posted by dba_BAD, Tue Oct-26-10 01:07 AM
either he saw the film and was moved to make the statement himself or Rachel (GEMS ed) persuaded him (or persuaded bey to persuade him) 2 make it.
147553, LOL @ this grey poupon ass nigga!
Posted by IIIIIIIIIIIII, Tue Oct-26-10 03:53 AM
147554, unless he gives the money he made off it back I don't givv a fok what he say
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Tue Oct-26-10 08:08 AM
147555, He does alot of charity donation so he might have already.
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Tue Oct-26-10 11:17 AM
But then if we found out about everybody would accuse him of touting
his own goodness and trying to be seen for stuff that he should remain
quiet about.
147556, I get where you're going with it, but its not the same thing
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Wed Oct-27-10 09:28 AM
as what I'm talking about
the idea that you can do shit to get paid, then apologize for it but still profit from said actions is pretty much corporate public relations 1o1
147557, Suicide is pretty much the only way he could stop profitting from it
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Wed Oct-27-10 09:55 AM
He'd have to stop being Jay-Z.
147558, he could take all his royalties from it and donate that shit
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Thu Oct-28-10 07:49 AM
to a fund or a local charity as a way of making amends
but will that happen?
of course not
147559, "I make 'Big Pimpin' or 'Give It to Me,' one of those, ya'll hail me
Posted by cidolfas, Wed Oct-27-10 08:19 PM
as the greatest writer of the 21st century. I make some thought provoking shit, you question whether he's really fallen off." (c) Jay-Z, "Ignorant Shit"