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Topic subjectRE: Nice post. something must be wrong with me though, I disagree
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=141786&mesg_id=141791
141791, RE: Nice post. something must be wrong with me though, I disagree
Posted by OldPro, Fri May-14-10 01:52 PM
>I think there is something to this but I don't know. I think
>it's more defined by those first ten years. If those first
>ten are rather static in terms of musical development, it
>reifies what music is for you.

I think you hit it with the first ten year thing. Because I'm sitting here thinking about my favorite period for music and it would have to be from like 75-84... but see if I look at that period my taste was hardly narrow. I mean from Al Jarreau to Prince and The Bee Gees to Slave is a pretty wide range of styles... but I guess it always has come down to being rhythmic for me though. So I guess that is my foundation... good points.

>I honestly have never understood the rejection of music. Why.
> I mean even if you don't like it to reject it? I think this
>also comes from a digging mindset in me which says anything
>can become anything and as such nothing should be rejected out
>of pocket.

>Again that goes back to the foundation. If your program is
>static then yeah you'll have a problem. But if its dynamic
>there really isn't a program to apply, its just a matter of
>listening for what is new and appealing. If something isn't
>appealing at the time there's no need to hate, just move on to
>the next.

Some people are just open from jump ... you are obviously one of them. You were the kind of kid the rest of us made fun of in high school lol. Your post is reminding me that peer pressure played a role in most peoples development to. Younger folks can have problems hearing too ... just for different reasons.

>I'm glad you used consume here because ultimately I don't
>think it has anything to do with sound, or at least very
>little. I think it has more to do with falling out of popular
>favor. In the listeners desire to be with the times, finding
>that which they don't readily associate with not being the in
>thing, and what they do find appealing being rejected by their
>younger counterparts, knee jerks a well that new shit sucks
>reaction. And it's almost the inverse. Yeah I'm not feeling
>that PE album it sounds dated. Oh yeah well what you got?
>Drake is hot. Drake sucks. But in this exchange an unfair
>parallel has been drawn and the elder has irresponsibly
>allowed it. While comparison is a valid tool in music it only
>works if there's appreciation. But it isn't up to the youth
>to teach the elder to appreciate its up to the elder to teach
>the youth to appreciate. Sure PE sounds dated, but can you
>appreciate the complexities inherent within it and how those
>set the stage for the music. Can you appreciate what it
>represented in its time. What does Drake in turn represent
>for his time. As an elder can you appreciate that. If here
>are values lost in the generation gap, those lines of
>appreciation will help bridge them. If that bridge isn't
>erected the gap becomes a canyon.
>Put another way you will have to come to be appreciative of
>all music to comment on it fairly.
There is a natural inclination that
>with repetition comes acceptance. But acceptance is not
>appreciation so to speak. You don't have to force feed
>yourself the stuff. Perhaps the hottest single isn't your
>best entrance into new music. There's a ton of other new
>stuff out there to bring you in. By example, Drake does
>nothing for me, and yet a cover of his song by another band
>made me realize, hey that's pretty good songwriting. Now I
>can go back and say yeah that new single isn't on par with his
>songwriting ability. Feel me?

I have come to respect some artist outside genres I listen to this way. Hearing another artist's take on a song can open you up to the song itself... more great points man. I don't see a couple listens as enough repetition that will burn something you don't like into your brain. But again I'm just giving an example of what works for me.

>>The new
>>Rihanna truly hurt my soul... but man up and stick to the
>See but can you make three positive comments about it. How
>about three positive comments about her?

Rude Boy is a good song ..... she's not awful looking ..... can I get back to you on a 3rd?

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