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Topic subjectRE: *RECORD SCRATCH*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=141211&mesg_id=141245
Posted by BSharp, Sat Apr-24-10 01:07 PM

>Except NY State of Mind is one of the top 5 most definitive
>NYC songs ever made.

OK. Fine.

>And 'Memory Lane' is many people's favorite song on Illmatic


>>Those were some of my favorite joints of their day, but so
>>were all of the other joints he was producing.

>Okay, so basically Primo is just great however you dice it

Pretty much. Primo would probably be the greatest even if the masters of Illmatic were lost in a fire in 1993. And if Reasonable Doubt never came out, either.

>>People need to show more respect for artists like Guru and
>>off of Nas and Jay-Z's dick. Guru's discography is easily
>>better than Nas's;
>Log off, fam.

You really think Nas's discography is better than that of Gang Starr? GTFOH.

>Nas' ripped 2 Primo beats harder than Guru could ever
>hope to.
>Sorry, its true.
>And I'm a Guru fan.

*smh* Typical disrespect to Guru. Dude has a grip of classic songs, and somehow it's all gotta go back to how great Illmatic was.

>Oh, and let's not even speak on 'Nas is Like'

Those songs are fucking great. All of the Nas/Premier collabs were great. Was each of them better than any and all Gang Starr songs? You really honestly believe that?

>>and even without as many mainstream hits
>>as Jay-Z, Gang Starr has something that Jay never will--four
>>consecutive classic albums that you can listen to straight
>Just log the fuck off

How about you get off Jay-Z and Nas's dick for just a second. Thanks.

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