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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectit's sad that it's taking a life-threatening situation for some to grasp
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=141091&mesg_id=141144
141144, it's sad that it's taking a life-threatening situation for some to grasp
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Mar-02-10 01:42 PM
the inherent truth in what you just laid out there but it's appreciated.

There's been a few (MANHOODLUM & mysp1200 particularly) fighting that battle here when it comes up as well, people got real reckless with it in recent years & the younger cats who didn't grow up on Gangstarr just started piggybacking that bullshit.

Acting like Guru isn't a legendary elite MC because of some newfangled bullshit people came up with ten years after he was already making classics is that bullshit.

And the 'Gangstarr would have been better with Jeru' people kill me too.